Open the Visual Studio Code application
Install the XML extension
Navigate to the Extensions tab
Enter “XML” in the search bar
Click the XML Extension by Red Hat
Click the [Install] button
Open the LT i.SAF-T XML file
Click “File” > click “Open File…”
On the pop-up window, navigate to the directory where the XML file is located
Select the XML file
Click [Open]
Bind XML to a Schema located in local directory
Navigate to the <AuditFile> element of the XML’s contents
Hover to the “…” icon
Click “Quick Fix…”
Click “Bind to existing grammar/schema”
Select “local” binding type
On the pop-up window, navigate to the directory where the XSD file is located
Select the XML file
Click [Open]Select XSD file]
Select “Standard (xsi, DOCTYPE) binding type)
XML Validation using Notepad++ (for Windows)