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Find the Item Lookup Criteria.
Note |
You must not edit the Default FlowAP Template. Any changes made to the default template will be overriden during new version releases of FlowAP. To use a customized version of the FlowAP template, save a copy of the Default FlowAP Template. Apply your own lookup criteria and XML mapping to the new FlowAP Template; and assign it to the relevant Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup. |
The complete item code lookup table is surrounded by brackets
Example: [JSON ARRAY].
Each element in the lookup table is surrounded by curly braces and is separated by a comma.
Example: [{ELEMENT1}, {ELEMENT2}, {ELEMENT3}]
Each element of the lookup table contains four two (2) parameters.
mappingfield - The item lookup “mappingfield” refers to the field key in the Transaction Mapping array. This field key is used in the FlowAP Template > Mapping Templates > Transaction Mapping. This field key identifies the XML element will be the source of the item’s name/number/text that will be used to find the item in NetSuite.
In the default item lookup criteria and transaction mapping, here’s the item lookup criteria:
e.g.: “vendorcode”
Here, we can see that the vendorcode is referencing the xpath ./cac:Item/cac:SellersItemIdentification/cbc:ID
nsfield - This is the NetSuite item record field that will be used to compare the text from the mappingfield to find the item record in NetSuite.