Table of Contents |
Bug Fix
FlowAP Conversion
Subsidiary lookup criteria:
The new maximum number of Subsidiary Lookup Criteria is 8
Added new Default Subsdiary Lookup Criteria: only /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID element with attribute schemeID=”VAT” in XML is prioritized. Other /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID elements in XML (with other schemeID attributes or without schemeID attribute) will have a hierarchy depending on whichever exists first in XML.
Vendor lookup criteria:
The new maximum number of Vendor Lookup Criteria is 11
Added new Default Vendor Lookup Criteria, /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID element lookup hierarchy:
1. with attribute schemeID=”VAT” in XML
2. with attribute schemeID=”ISO6523” in XML
3. other /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID elements in XML (with other schemeID attributes or without schemeID attribute) depending on whichever exists first in XML.
FlowAP Template
Added taxamount_total to the FlowAP Templates Transaction Mapping
Fixed Invalid Date Value error encountered when Converting FlowAP Documents related to Vendor Bill for Vendor Credit and Purchase Order for Vendor Bill.
Fixed empty memo line level field for unidentified items posted as expense, the following value is now set for the memo: <tax percent> | Item ID - Item Name.
For Post Single Bill Line - Expense Item, the rate is always set to 0 to cover discount items limitation. The amount is mapped from the XML. 'Transaction Total' added to the memo
FlowAP Approval
The result of 3-way matching for mixed items (stock and non-stock) in Bill lines is always “discrepancy within limits = F”. This is because Flow 3-way matching does not support mixed item types.
FlowAP Portal
Updated the default Flow Portal detailed view form configuration.
Default forms show {custbody_sta_flowap_pdf} to display the PDF.
Updated default NetSuite transaction forms
Transaction forms included in the bundle now show {custbody_sta_flowap_pdf}.
Bundle Installation Script
SuiteApp Bundle Update Instructions / Notes
Info |
Our support team will execute the necessary configuration steps upon updating your FlowAP version to 3.0.4. |