Name - Enter the name of the company. This is to be mapped with Naziv tag of the XML File.
OIB - Enter the OIB (Personal Identification Number) company. The value should be exactly 11 digits. You need to enter at least one between OIB and PDVID. This is to be mapped with OIB tag of the XML File.
PDVID - Enter the PDVID (VAT Number) of the company. The value should be exactly 11 digits. You need to enter at least one between OIB and PDVID.
This is to be mapped with PDVID tag of the XML File.
Locality - Enter the location of the company. This is to be mapped with Mjesto tag of the XML File.
Street - Enter the street where the company is located. This is to be mapped with Ulica tag of the XML File.
House Number - Enter the house number where the company is located. This is to be mapped with Broj tag of the XML File.