Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Find the Vendor Lookup Criteria.
Note |
You must not edit the Default FlowAP Template. Any changes made to the default template will be overridden during new version releases of FlowAP. To use a customized version of the FlowAP template, save a copy of the Default FlowAP Template. Apply your own lookup criteria and XML mapping to the new FlowAP Template; and assign it to the relevant Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup. |
The complete tax code lookup table is surrounded by brackets
Example: [JSON ARRAY].
Each element in the lookup table is surrounded by curly braces and is separated by a comma.
Example: [{ELEMENT1}, {ELEMENT2}, {ELEMENT3}]
Each element of the lookup table contains four (3) parameters.
xpath - XML element which will be the source of the vendor information used for the lookup ("//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID[@schemeID=\"VAT\"]").
nsfield - This is the NetSuite vendor record field that will be used to compare the text from the XML element to find the vendor record in NetSuite.
regexp - A regular expression, often referred to as a "regex" or "regexp," is a powerful and concise way to represent patterns in text data. It is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. Characters that match the search pattern will be retained and unmatched characters will be removed.
operator - This can be set as either:
Contains - This operator typically checks if a value is present within another value string.
Equal - This operator typically checks if two values are exactly the same (==).
Lookup Results
Invalid vendor records are not returned by the lookup
inactive = T
The lookup will perform the search for each vendor lookup array element until a vendor is found. The maximum lookup criteria is 7 elements.
The search will start from the first element in the array and will stop once a vendor is found.
If a vendor is found, the following information will be set on the JSON data: