\uD83D\uDCD8 Understand the value mapped to the expense line: memo for unidentified items
The memo field of the expense line will have the value.
<taxpercent> | <vendorcode> - <itemname>
\uD83D\uDCD8 Update the Customize the FlowAP template assigned to the subsidiary.
Navigate to the global search bar and search for “page: Staria Flowap template”.
View the Default FlowAP Template.
Hover to actions and click Make Copy.
Enter a new name.
The default mapping for the following fields is as follows:
Code Block language json [ "taxpercent": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory/cbc:Percent", "/cac:TaxTotal/cac:TaxSubtotal/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:Percent"] }, "vendorcode": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cac:SellersItemIdentification/cbc:ID"] }, "itemname": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cbc:Name"] } ]
The value of the memo field can be modified by changing the mapping of each of the concatenated values for taxpercent,vendorcode and itemname.
Example use case:
The user wants the item name to be either the Name/ID or the Description in the XML. Replace the XPath assigned to itemname. Search for “itemname” in the transaction mapping field. Replace the content of the XPath with "./cac:Item/cbc:Name", "./cac:Item/cbc:Description".
Code Block language json "itemname": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cbc:Name", "./cac:Item/cbc:Description"] }
Click Save.
Navigate to the global search bar and search for “page: Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup”.
Click Edit for the subsidiary setup of the subsidiary.
Select your newly FlowAP template in the FlowAP Template field.
Click Save.