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Important: This feature is turned on by default.It is highly recommended to keep this turned on. This solution follows the tax authorities' proposed solution (#2) for modifying submitted invoices. Turning this feature off will require the user to manually fill-out the fields described below. Document File name: 2020-12-07-Invoicesamples_v3.0_EN Document Title: Sample invoices and related xml files for the online invoice data report 4.2.2 Correction of incorrect product - solution 2 |
If the invoice was succesfully submitted, the invoice status will be updated, and the invoice will be locked.
List of failed invoice submissions
Navigate to Financial > Staria Hungary Localization > Hungary Online Számla Failed Submissions
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Scheduled Resubmission of Failed Invoices
There are cases when NAV fails to return a failed or success response. This is considered a timeout. These invoices will have the “Processing” RTID e-reporting status. These invoices are automatically resubmitted until a failed or success status is achieved. These invoices are submitted every two hours. Please refer to setup instructions to change the frequency of the schedule.
Printing Invoices
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Steps to print the invoice may vary based on your company’s business process. |