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Important: This feature is turned on by default.

It is highly recommended to keep this turned on.

This solution follows the tax authorities' proposed solution (#2) for modifying submitted invoices.

 Turning this feature off will require the user to manually fill-out the fields described below.

Document File name: 2020-12-07-Invoicesamples_v3.0_EN

Document Title: Sample invoices and related xml files for

the online invoice data report

4.2.2 Correction of incorrect product - solution 2


If the invoice was succesfully submitted, the invoice status will be updated, and the invoice will be locked.

List of failed invoice submissions

Navigate to Financial > Staria Hungary Localization > Hungary Online Számla Failed Submissions




  • Only a user with [STA] NAV CHECK INVOICE STATUS preference  enabled in their /wiki/spaces/SHLS/pages/839418355 can see and use the ”Check Invoice Status” button.

Scheduled Resubmission of Failed Invoices

There are cases when NAV fails to return a failed or success response. This is considered a timeout. These invoices will have the “Processing” RTID e-reporting status. These invoices are automatically resubmitted until a failed or success status is achieved. These invoices are submitted every two hours. Please refer to setup instructions to change the frequency of the schedule.

Printing Invoices


Steps to print the invoice may vary based on your company’s business process.
