Get an INFlow integration email address from your Staria SuiteApp implementation consultant.
Create an Employee in NetSuite and assign
Assign the email address from step 1.
Assign the role “Inbound E-Document Web Service Role (Docs Full)”.
Save the new employee record.
Setup Integration
Log-in to NetSuite and navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Integration.
Click New.
Enter Name for the integration (e.g.: Staria E-Invoices server).
Uncheck TBA Authorization Flow and .
Uncheck Authorization Code Grant.
Click Save.
Navigate to Authentication > Client Credentials to find the Consumer Key & Consumer Secret.
Create Token Access
Navigate to Setup > User/Roles > Access Tokens > New.
Application Name > use the one you created in step Setup Integration.
User > Enter the Employee you created in section Create Integration User.
Role > “Inbound E-Document Web Service Role (Docs Full)“.