Generating the
FR0564 Report
To generate the VAT FR0564 Report XML file:
Go to Reports > Lithuania Reports > Generate i.SAFFR0564 Report.
On the initial page:
Sort the file cabinet folder using the Last-Modified date field in descending order by clicking the header title.
Select the VAT FR0564 report parameters.
Select a Subsidiary
Enter the Start Date and End Date
Select the Type of Data
Click Submit.
Open the file cabinet folder by clicking the “here” button.
Select the Month
Enter the Year
Click Apply VAT Report Parameters.
Wait for NetSuite to complete loading the report. Review the Report Listing sublist.
Click the Generate XML button.
Find the generated XML file by looking for the last modified date that matches when you run the report.
Click the Name of the XML file to view it or click the Download button to save a copy of the XML file.