Name | ID | Display field to the form? |
[STA] Rejected By | custbody_sta_appr_rejectedby | Yes |
[STA] Original Posting Date | custbody_sta_origpostingdate | Yes |
[STA] Bill to PO Mismatch Notes | custbody_sta_appr_mismatchnotes | Yes |
[STA] Rejection Notes | custbody_sta_appr_rejectnotes | Yes |
[STA] Bank Account Numbers from XML | custbody_sta_bankaccountnumlist | Yes |
[STA] Dynamic Approver | custbody_sta_dynamic_approver | Yes |
[STA] Approval Hold | custbody_sta_inflow_apprhold | Yes |
[STA] Current Approval Matrix | custbody_sta_appr_currentmatrix | Yes |
[STA] Entity Bank Details | custbody_sta_inflow_entitybankdetails | Yes |
[STA] Approval Notes | custbody_sta_appr_notes | Yes |
[STA] Vendor Bank Details do not match | custbody_sta_inflow_bankacc_nomatch | Yes |
Document Date (2) | custbody_sta_nord_trandate | Yes |
[STA] Transaction Sum | custbody_sta_inf_transactionsum |
[STA] Portal IN PROGRESS | custbody_sta_portal_progress | Yes |
[STA] INFlow Script Notes | custbody_sta_inflow_script_notes | Yes |
Inbound E-Document | custbody_psg_ei_inbound_edocument |
[STA] Transaction Type | custbody_sta_inflow_trantype |
[STA] Location Address | custbody_sta_ss_locaddr |
[STA] EI PDF Preview | custbody_sta_ei_pdf_preview | Yes |
Business ID | custbody_sta_einvoicing_payee_busin_id |
[STA] Your Reference (Bill) | custbody_sta_eflow_yourref | Yes |
ACH/EFT Reference No. | custbody_2663_reference_num |
[STA] Is In Additional Approval State | custbody_sta_add_appr_state | Yes |
[STA] Purchase Requester | custbody_sta_appr_requester | Yes |
[STA] Our Reference (Bill) | custbody_sta_eflow_ourref | Yes |
[STA] Current Approver | custbody_sta_appr_next | Yes |
[STA] Approval Status | custbody_sta_appr_status | Yes |
[STA] Approval Override Note | custbody_sta_appr_overridenote | Yes |
PDF File Reference | custbody_psg_ei_pdf |
[STA] Additional Approver | custbody_sta_appr_additional | Yes |
[STA] Project | custbody_sta_appr_project | Yes |
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