Note |
Important: Do |
NOT change the column labels assigned to each saved search index. |
Do NOT delete any of the columns specified in the following saved search tables. |
Default Saved Searches
JPK WB Report Component | Saved Search Name | Saved Search ID |
Balance Items | JPK_WB Salda | customsearch_jpk_wb_salda |
Line Extracts | JPK_WB WyciagWiersz | customsearch_sta_jpkwb_line_extract |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
SaldoPoczatkowe | Account starting balance | Transaction line: Amount or Transaction line: Foreign Currency Amount |
SaldoKoncowe | Account Ending Balance | Transaction line: Amount or Transaction line: Foreign Currency Amount |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
NumerWiersza | Consecutive line number (record) of the statement | N/A - Order of Internal ID |
DataOperacji | Operation date | Transaction: Date |
NazwaPodmiotu | Name of the entity being a party to the operation | Transaction: Entity Name |
OpisOperacji | Description of the operation | Transaction: Type and Transaction Line: Memo and Transaction: Memo Main |
KwotaOperacji | Operation amount | Transaction Line: Amount or Transaction Line: Foreign Currency Amount |
SaldoOperacji | The balance of the operation | Sum of Transaction Line: Amount or Transaction Line: Foreign Currency Amount |
SumaObciazen | The sum of the amounts debited to the account in the period covered by the statement | Transaction Line: Debit Amount or Transaction Line: Debit Foreign Amount |
SumaUznan | The sum of the amounts credited to the account in the period covered by the statement | Transaction Line: Credit Amount or Transaction Line: Credit Foreign Amount |
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