FlowAP Conversion Process
Warning |
Examples of Malformed XML
Note |
Options to edit the XML
Field | Description |
Name | This is a unique name used to identify the FlowAP Document record. If the file was received from Flow gateway, the name is the same as the XML file name. |
Source Documents | |
XML File Reference | The XML file to be converted. |
PDF File Reference | The related PDF file to the XML. This is the scanned document that generated the XML. |
Transaction Data | |
Transaction Type | The NetSuite transaction type that will be created when the FlowAP document is converted. |
Reference Number | The reference number included in the FlowAP document. This is the vendor’s reference number for the transaction. |
PO/Bill Reference Number | For vendor bills: The purchase order number referenced in the e-document. For vendor credits: The bill reference number referenced in the e-document. |
Subsidiary | The result of the subsidiary lookup that will be the assigned to the transaction upon conversion. |
Vendor | The result of the vendor lookup that will be the assigned to the transaction upon conversion. |
Transaction Date | he transaction issue date of the e-document. |
Preferences Tab | |
FlowAP Preferences | The list of FlowAP Preferences that were applicable to this document during lookup, parsing, validation, and conversion. |
NetSuite Preferences | The list of NetSuite preferences and features that are applicable to this document's processing for FlowAP. |
JSON Data file | The JSON data file created FlowAP processing. The JSON data are netsuite fields and the assign data for each field that will be used for conversion. |
Audit Trail - The FlowAP audit trail records script events and details throughout the FlowAP conversion process. | |
Date Created | Date and time of the event. |
Event type | A general description of the script event that was executed. |
Details | A detailed description of the script event that was executed. |
Transaction Data Override
The FlowAP Document transaction data fields are used to override data parsed from the XML.
Note |
When a transaction data field is overridden, the FlowAP Document status is automatically changed into “For Processing”. The FlowAP document must start from the Processing stage to override the transaction data that was already parsed. |
Field | Expected Behavior when overriding transaction data |
Transaction type | Selecting the transaction type in the FlowAP document form will override the transaction type parsed from the XML. |
Reference Number | This can be overridden at any stage (before Processing or before Conversion).
PO/Bill Reference Number | This can be overridden at any stage (before Processing or before Conversion)
Subsidiary | This can only be overridden before processing. Subsidiary validation happens in the processing stage. Subsidiary Lookup Criteria |
Vendor | This can only be overridden before processing. Vendor validation happens in the processing stage. Vendor related configuration for FlowAP conversion: A Detailed Guide |
Transaction Date | This can only be overridden before processing. Transaction date validations are executed on the Processing stage. Date-Period Mismatch Conversion Behavior : A Detailed Guide
Manual E-document Upload using the FlowAP Document Record