Versions Compared


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In addition to the native fields on an item record,


there are additional information required as part of the SAF-T structure.

Enter or select the appropriate values on the fields below before generating the SAF-T file.

  1. Goods / Services ID - select either of the following:

    1. “PR” (Product),

    2. “PS” (Service),

    3. “IT” (Non-current assets),

    4. “KT” (Other)

  2. Tax - select the default tax code.

  3. Base Conversion Factor - Conversion factor for units of measurement when changed from standard to basic, e.g. if a standard unit of measurement is ml and a basis one is L, then a conversion factor for units of measurement is 0,001.

  4. Product Status - select the product status intended to determine the condition of the product:

    1. uninterrupted production process,

    2. damaged product,

    3. obsolete product,

    4. good product

  5. Product Type - Product type intended to determine the condition of the product:


Unit Price


    1. raw material,

    2. manufactured product,

    3. finished product, or

    4. product ready for resale.

  1. Unit Price - enter the unit price for a unit/quantity of a group of units in a reporting currency

