The JPK_VAT with the Declaration is an electronic document that consist of VAT records (set of information about purchases and sales) and the VAT declaration.
Supported Standard Audit Files:
Important: The user can change the language of any JPK generation page by selecting the desired language from the box.
JPK_VAT with the Declaration (JPK_V7)
The JPK_VAT with the Declaration is an electronic document that consist of VAT records (set of information about purchases and sales) and the VAT declaration. This will be obligatory to be submitted by all registered taxpayers from October 1, 2020 onwards.
All audit files have the following sections:
The Header section contains general information about the audit file
The Entity section contains information about the taxpayer
Generating the JPK_V7 XML File
The JPK_V7 file includes four main sections: Records and Declaration. The Records section contains list of sales and purchase. The Declaration section contains a summary information for each tax position.
To generate the Poland JPK_V7 XML file:
Main Interface
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_V7 link.
Enter / Select the following information:
Form Code
V7M – select when doing monthly VAT settlements
V7K – select when doing quarterly VAT settlements
Select the applicable Tax Period.
Enter the Tax Office Code.
Select either of the following as Purpose of Filing:
1 – original filing
2 - amendment
Company Information : Select the applicable Subsidiary
Enter the Email information
Enter the Telephone information
Click Prepare Records button – wait until the JPK_VAT Records page has been fully loaded
Important: The Tax Period is using the VAT Date field as filter.
JPK_VAT Records
Review the information in each of the tax position.
Click Prepare Declaration button – wait until the JPK_VAT Declaration page has been fully loaded.
JPK_VAT Declaration
Review and / or enter information in each of the tax position.
Click Generate File button. The Generate Status page will be displayed. You will receive an email notification once the process has been completed and the file is ready. A link to the generated file is included in the email. Alternatively, you may download the designated folder in the file cabinet.
Note: Not all information are sourced automatically. There are fields where you need to manually enter the information in the declaration part prior to generating the XML file.
Transaction Markings
JPK_V7 structure requires users to mark the transactions when the designations are applicable. The markings can be classified as follows:
GTU CODES - the taxpayer in sales documents covering certain types of goods or services will be obliged to assign a GTU code so that the JPK_V7 registration part reflects this information.
TRANSACTION PROCEDURE CODES - in the event of specific transactions (e.g. mail order sales, provision of tourism services taxed on the basis of VAT, margin, transactions with a related entity) on the purchase or sale document, it should be indicated in the JPK_VAT recording part.
DOCUMENT TYPE CODES -optional marking of sales documents within the JPK_VAT recording part. If a given type of document is present, the following code should be placed accordingly: RO, WEW, FP.
The transaction fields that related to these markings are available from the SuiteApps. Users may select this from the transaction. The information entered on this field are then included in the JPK_V7 XML file.
Transaction Markings | NetSuite Additional Fields |
Note: Contact your NetSuite administrator in case these fields are not available in your current transaction forms.
The previous SAF-T JPK_VAT feature which follows the JPK_VAT(3) structure are applicable for transactions booked prior to October 2020.
Important: The JPK_VAT feature will still be available for use although future enhancements may no longer be supported.
Generating the JPK_VAT XML File
To generate the Poland JPK_VAT XML file:
Go to Lists > Custom > STA PL LOC SAF-T.
Set the following fields:
Legal Name, VAT ID, and Email will be sourced from Subsidiary record if those information are available
Report Type: JPK_VAT
Date Filter Type
XML Date Source: When XML Date Source is set to Custom, following will be taken into account
DataSprzedazy is sourced from Delivery or Receipt Date
DataWystawienia is sourced from Document Date
DataWplywu is sourced from Delivery or Receipt Date
DataZakupu is sourced from Document Date
From and To Dates
Click Generate Report button.
An alert pops up “The SAF-T file generation is in progress which can take a few minutes. You will be notified by email once completed.” You can check the scheduled script status by clicking the link.
To download the Poland JPK_VAT XML file:
Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.
Browse / search for the designated folder.
Click the Download link next to the file.
Alternatively, you may click the link from the email notification and download the file.
The JPK_KR file includes three main sections:
Trial balance: data on the account code, detailed account description, opening balance, debit and credit turnover for the period
Journal: summary records values of the entries of operations in all accounting accounts, listed in chronological order after the period to which JPK relates
Account Record: Records include account records general ledger and subsidiary ledgers
To generate the Poland JPK_KR XML file:
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_KR link.
Select the subsidiary (The defaut selection is the user’s subsidiary).
Select the Date From and Date To fields.
Review the Header Information, Entity Identifier and Entity Address details. The user can change the field values if necessary.
Click Generate JPK_KR.
The user will be redirected to the Poland JPK_KR Record.
Poland JPK_KR Record
The Poland JPK_KR record keeps track of the status of the report generation and let’s the user access the generated XML file.
Click the ”Refresh” button to check if the status field to see if the report generation is ”Completed”.
Click the XMl file buttons.
Preview [XML File Name] – Allows the user to view the generated XML file.
Download - Download and save a copy o the XML file to your computer.
Edit - Manually update the XML file before downloading a copy of it.
The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.
The JPK_FA file includes three main sections:
Invoice Details: Detailed invoice information including amounts and tax amounts
Invoice line details: invoice items in the currency in which the invoice was issued
(Optional) Orders or contracts: Order details related to an advance payment
To generate the Poland JPK_FA XML file:
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_FA link.
Select the subsidiary (The defaut selection is the user’s subsidiary).
Select the Date From and Date To fields.
Review the Entity Information, Entity Address and Entity Primary Information details. The user can change the field values if necessary.
Click Generate JPK_FA.
The user will be redirected to the Poland JPK_FA Record.
Poland JPK_FA Record
The Poland JPK_FA record keeps track of the status of the report generation and let’s the user access the generated XML file.
Click the ”Refresh” button to check if the status field to see if the report generation is ”Completed”.
Click any of the ”Preview Report” buttons to review the detailed reports for each section.
Preview Report Faktura
Preview Report FakturaWiersz
Preview Report Zamowienie
Preview Report ZamowienieWiersz
Click the XMl file buttons.
Preview [XML File Name] – Allows the user to view the generated XML file.
Download - Download and save a copy o the XML file to your computer.
Edit - Manually update the XML file before downloading a copy of it.
Important: The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.
The JPK_MAG file includes five main sections:
Warehouse: Designation of the warehouse in accordance with the nomenclature used in the unit
External receipts: Transaction details of warehouse receipts from an external entity
External Issue: Transaction details of warehouse fulfillment to an external entity
Internal Expenditure: Internal consumption of inventory
Inventory Transfer: Transaction details of internal warehouse transfers
There is no default saved searches for Internal Expenditurebecause there is no native NetSuite transaction that is used to record internal consumption of goods.
To generate the Poland JPK_MAG XML file:
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_MAG link.
Select the subsidiary (The defaut selection is the user’s subsidiary).
Select the warehouse location.
Select the Date From and Date To fields.
Review the Entity Information, Subsidiary Details and Warehouse details. The user can change the field values if necessary.
Click Generate JPK_MAG.
The user will be redirected to the Poland JPK_MAG Record.
Poland JPK_MAG Record
The Poland JPK_MAG record keeps track of the status of the report generation and let’s the user access the generated XML file.
Click any of the ”Preview Report” buttons to review the detailed reports for each section.
Preview Report PZ Wartosc
Preview Report PZ Wiersz
Preview Report WZ Wartosc
Preview Report WZ Wiersz
Preview Report MM Wartosc
Preview Report MM Wiersz
Click the XMl file buttons.
Preview [XML File Name] – Allows the user to view the generated XML file.
Download - Download and save a copy o the XML file to your computer.
Edit - Manually update the XML file before downloading a copy of it.
Important: The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.
The JPK_WB file includes two main sections:
Salda: opening and closing balance of the statement
WyciagWiersz: detailed lines (records) of the bank statement
To generate the Poland JPK_WB XML file:
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_WB link.
Select the subsidiary (The defaut selection is the user’s subsidiary).
Select the Date From and Date To fields.
Review the Entity Information, Subsidiary Details and Warehouse details. The user can change the field values if necessary.
Click Generate JPK_WB.
The user will be redirected to the Poland JPK_WB Record.
Poland JPK_WB Record
The Poland JPK_WB record keeps track of the status of the report generation and let’s the user access the generated XML file.
Click the ”Refresh” button to check if the status field to see if the report generation is ”Completed”.
Click the ”Preview Report WyciagWiersz” button to review the detailed report.
Click the XMl file buttons.
Preview [XML File Name] – Allows the user to view the generated XML file.
Download - Download and save a copy o the XML file to your computer.
Edit - Manually update the XML file before downloading a copy of it.
Important: The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.