The JPK_MAG file includes five main sections:
Warehouse: Designation of the warehouse in accordance with the nomenclature used in the unit
External receipts: Transaction details of warehouse receipts from an external entity
External Issue: Transaction details of warehouse fulfillment to an external entity
Internal Expenditure: Internal consumption of inventory
Inventory Transfer: Transaction details of internal warehouse transfers
There is no default saved searches for Internal Expenditurebecause there is no native NetSuite transaction that is used to record internal consumption of goods.
To generate the Poland JPK_MAG XML file:
Go to Reports > Poland SAF-T
Click the Generate JPK_MAG link.
Select the subsidiary (The defaut selection is the user’s subsidiary).
Select the warehouse location.
Select the Date From and Date To fields.
Review the Entity Information, Subsidiary Details and Warehouse details. The user can change the field values if necessary.
Click Generate JPK_MAG.
The user will be redirected to the Poland JPK_MAG Record.
Poland JPK_MAG Record
The Poland JPK_MAG record keeps track of the status of the report generation and let’s the user access the generated XML file.
Click any of the ”Preview Report” buttons to review the detailed reports for each section.
Preview Report PZ Wartosc
Preview Report PZ Wiersz
Preview Report WZ Wartosc
Preview Report WZ Wiersz
Preview Report MM Wartosc
Preview Report MM Wiersz
Click the XMl file buttons.
Preview [XML File Name] – Allows the user to view the generated XML file.
Download - Download and save a copy o the XML file to your computer.
Edit - Manually update the XML file before downloading a copy of it.
Important: The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.