Reduce the loading time when clicking the View link (and/or Edit) link from the INFlow Portal list view.
Enhanced user experience for INFlow Accrual
A new user interface to run INFlow accrual.
New INFlow Preference: Transaction Types to Run Approval
A preference where we can define what are the transaction types where the approval workflow will run.
INFlow Portal: View Amortization Schedule
The INFlow portal transaction view will support viewing of amortization schedule details from the INFlow portal transaction view page.
INFlow Portal: New Button: Save and Approve
A button that will both save and approve the transaction.
Resolved defects
Approval Notes Mandatory Validation
When the user approves a bill in transaction detail view, when Make Approval Notes Mandatory preference is enabled in the INFlow preference, the user is now prevented when the approval notes field is blank.
Check Items before Item Receipt
On bill creation:
The workflow checks whether the transaction contains inventory and assembly items.
If Yes, it subsequently checks whether the items have already been received for the linked PO.
If Yes, it searches for the Approval Matrix where: (a) Stock Transaction = T and (b) Items Received for Stock PO = T
If No, it searches for the Approval Matrix where: (a) Stock Transaction = T and (b) Items Received for Stock PO = F
If No, it searches for the Approval Matrix where Stock Transaction = F.
On subsequent changes (approval/retrigger approval)
The workflow checks whether the transaction contains inventory and assembly items.
If Yes, it subsequently checks whether the items have already been received for the linked PO.
If Yes, it searches for the Approval Matrix where: (a) Stock Transaction = T and (b) Items Received for Stock PO = T
If No, it searches for the Approval Matrix where: (a) Stock Transaction = T and (b) Items Received for Stock PO = F
If No, it searches for the Approval Matrix where Stock Transaction = F.
The preference is now working correctly even when the date format in Company General Preference is different from the user’s date format preference.