Default Saved Searches
JPK MAG Report Component | Saved Search Name | Saved Search ID |
PZWiersz | JPK_MAG PZWiersz | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_pzwiersz |
PZWartosc | JPK_MAG PZWartosc | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_mag_pzwartosc |
WZWiersz | JPK_MAG WZWiersz | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_mag_wzwiersc |
WZWartosc | JPK_MAG WZWartosc | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_mag_wzwartosc |
MMWiersz | JPK_MAG MMWiersz | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_mag_mmwiersz |
MMWartosc | JPK_MAG MMWartosc | customsearch_sta_pl_jpk_mag_mmwartosc |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
NumerPZ | PZ number PZ document number (character field, e.g. 12 / P / 2018) | Transaction: Number |
DataPZ | Date when the GRN was prepared (e.g. 2018-04-01 | Transaction: Date Created |
WartoscPZ | GRN value (total) of the GRN document (e.g. 123444.00) | Sum of Transaction Line: Item: Amount |
DataOtrzymaniaPZ | Date of receipt of goods / material (2018-04-01) | Transaction: Date |
Dostawca | Supplier - name of the entity that is the supplier of the goods / materials | Transaction: Entity Name |
NumerFaPZ | Number of the invoice, specification of the goods / material received GIN (string field, e.g. 12FV2018) (optional) | Transaction: ID |
DataFaPZ | DataFaPZ date of the invoice or specification relating to the goods / material received GRN (2018-04-01) (optional) | Transaction: Date |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
Numer2PZ | Document number (string field, e.g. 12 / P / 2018); the field should have the same value as the NumerPZ field in the PZWartosc element | Transaction: Number |
KodTowaruPZ | Product code, if used in the entity (optional) | Transaction Line: Item: Vendor Name |
NazwaTowaruPZ | Product name in accordance with the nomenclature adopted in the entity (string field) | Transaction Line: Item: Purchase Description and Transaction Line: Item: Display Name |
IloscPrzyjetaPZ | Quantity of the received goods / material (numeric field, data can be entered with an accuracy of 6 decimal places, e.g. 12.345678) | Transaction Line: Quantity |
JednostkaMiaryPZ | Unit of measure (string field) | Transaction Line: Unit or if null = ‘Each’ |
CenaJednPZ | Unit price of a good / material / packaging given with 2 decimal places (e.g. 1234.56) | Transaction Line: Amount Transaction Line: Quantity |
WartoscPozycjiPZ | Item / material item value (e.g. 1234.56) | Transaction Line: Amount |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
NumerWZ | WZ document number (string field, e.g. 12 / WZ / 2018) | Transaction: Number |
DataWZ | Date of preparation of the WZ document (e.g. 2018-04-01) | Transaction: Date Created |
WartoscWZ | value (together) of the delivery note (e.g. 123444.00) | Sum of Transaction Line: Item: Amount |
DataWydaniaWZ | Date of issue of goods / material (2018-04-01) | Transaction: Date |
OdbiorcaWZ | Invoice number, specification of the goods / material issued with the goods note (string field, e.g. 12FV2018) (optional) | Transaction: Entity Name |
NumerFaWZ | Invoice number, specification of the goods / material issued with the goods note (string field, e.g. 12FV2018) (optional) | Transaction: ID |
DataFaWZ | Date of the invoice or specification concerning the goods / material issued with the goods issue (2018-04-01) (optional) | Transaction: Date |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
Numer2WZ | Document number (string field, e.g. 12 / WZ / 2018); the field should have the same value as the NumerWZ field in the WZWartosc element | Transaction: Number |
KodTowaruWZ | Commodity code, if used in the entity (optional) | Transaction Line: Item: Vendor Name |
NazwaTowaruWZ | Product name in accordance with the nomenclature adopted in the entity (string field) | Transaction Line: Item: Purchase Description and Transaction Line: Item: Display Name |
IloscWydanaWZ | Quantity of goods / material issued (numerical field, data can be given with an accuracy of 6 decimal places, e.g. 12.345678) | Transaction Line: Quantity |
JednostkaMiaryWZ | Unit of measure (string field) | Transaction Line: Unit or if null = ‘Each’ |
CenaJednWZ | Unit price of a product / material / packaging with 2 decimal places (e.g. 1234.56) | Transaction Line: Amount Transaction Line: Quantity |
WartoscPozycjiWZ | Item value of the issued item / material (e.g. 1234.56) | Transaction Line: Amount |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
NumerMM | MM document number (string field, e.g. 12 / MM / 2018) | Transaction: ID |
DataMM | Date of preparing the MM document (e.g. 2018-04-01) | Transaction: Date Created |
WartoscMM | Value (together) of the MM document (e.g. 123444.00) | Sum of Transaction Line: Amount |
DataWydaniaMM | Date of issue of goods / material (2018-04-01) | Transaction: Date |
SkadMM | Place of issue or name of the warehouse from which the goods / material were issued (character field, e.g. Main Warehouse) | Transaction: Transfer Location or Transaction: Location |
DokadMM | Destination of the item / material (string field, e.g. Destination warehouse) | Transaction: Transfer Location or Transaction: Location |
XML Tag | Content | NETSUITE FIELD |
Numer2MM | Document number (string field, e.g. 12 / MM / 2018); the field should have the same value as the NumerMM field, in the MMWartosc element | Transaction: ID |
KodTowaruMM | Commodity code, if used in the entity (optional) | Transaction Line: Item: Name |
NazwaTowaruMM | Product name in accordance with the nomenclature adopted in the entity (string field) | Transaction Line: Item: Display name |
IloscWydanaMM | Quantity of goods / material issued (numeric field, data can be entered with an accuracy of 6 decimal places, e.g. 12.345678) | Transaction Line: Quantity |
JednostkaMiaryMM | Unit of measure (string field) | Transaction Line: Unit or if null = ‘Each’ |
CenaJednMM | Unit price of a product / material / packaging with an accuracy of 2 decimal places (e.g. 1234.56) | Sum of Transaction Line: amount / Sum of Transaction Line: Quantity |
WartoscPozycjiMM | Item value of the issued item / material (e.g. 1234.56) | Sum of Transaction Line: Amount |
There is no default saved searches for Internal Expenditure. There is no native NetSuite transaction that is used to record internal consumption of goods.