The final list of information to be extracted from invoices will be agreed between the Supplier and the Customer at the service order stage. The Supplier indexes the agreed index fields that can be found in the document.The indexed data is still manually validated to ensure quality as needed. If the field to be indexed is empty, the index field is marked with a jointly agreed string (eg xxx).
The customer ID must be found on the invoice as mandatory information, otherwise delivery to the Customer's system cannot be guaranteed. The data should be in an understandable form in the header fields, not in line items, for example.
predefined string.
Line items are extracted based on line headings. The information should be in the lines correctly titled and in an understandable form, for example, references to header field information are not taken into account.
Data interpretation supports many languages. Supported languages are listed in section 1.10. Overview
For invoices whose language is not supported, only the image of the invoice is normally transmitted. The missing data is then filled in with the default data.