The supplier receives the vendor bills and opens and empties the envelopes. When emptied the envelopes, the content is sorted. Bills are straightened and any staples and paper clips are removed.
If the invoice lacks recipient information, it is returned to the sender.
Prehandled invoices are scanned in duplex with high-power scanners and formed into images. The default size for scanned forms is A4. The scan resolution is at least 300 dpi and the average black-and-white photo is about 50 KB in size.
The invoice and its attachments are scanned into a single file. Empty pages are removed automatically.
The document identifier can be printed on the paper document, indicating the date the document was scanned and an ID number determined by the sequential numbering of the scanned documents.
The scanned documents are visually inspected to ensure that the quality of the images is legible. Paper documents that do not meet the criteria required or are illegible are delivered to the customer with a separate cost.
After scanning, paper invoices will be stored for three months, after which they will be securely destroyed.