Table of Contents
The Journal Evidence Report records all financial transactions as they occur chronologically, given a specific reporting period for an entity. It is used to reconcile its turnovers with the balances of the general ledger accounts. This report meets the basic legal requirements of the Polish Accounting Act:
Entries in the report are numbered consecutively, and
The sums of entries (turnovers) are counted continuously.
The entries are linked to verified and approved accounting documents.
The entries are automatically assigned a number based on when it was entered into the journal.
The accounting program used and the person responsible for the entered content are defined.
Maintaining a Historical Record: The report is a chronological record of all financial transactions, essential for tracking the company's financial history.
Supporting Documentation: The entries include references to supporting documents, which are vital for auditing and verification.
Compliance and Reporting: It ensures compliance with Polish accounting principles and aids in preparing accurate financial reports.
Configuring the Journal Evidence Report
To configure the report:
Navigate to Setup > Staria Poland Localization > Poland Localization Settings.
If you are creating a new Localization Setting, refer to 3) Setting Up Poland Localization
Click Edit beside the localization setting record you wish to modify.
Under the Journal Evidence tab, provide the following details:
Folder ID - Enter the internal ID of a File Cabinet folder where the generated reports are stored and saved.
Saved Search - Select the saved search to be used as the data source of the report. By default, the value of this field should be PL Domyślny raport dowodowy dziennika.
Report Page Size - Select the page size to generate the report. The default value is A3 (297 mm x 420 mm).
Optionally, you may also configure the following fields:
Report by Period - Check this box to report by period. If left unchecked, the report is run based on the transaction date.
Default Email Sender—Select the default employee to send email notifications. If left blank, no emails are sent. Please ensure that an email address is set for the selected employee. Otherwise, an email error will occur.
Optional Report Column - Enter the column label of the optional column to be added to the report. This references the default saved search column corresponding to the custom segment. The default value of this field is “customSegment.” The optional column will be added after the Department, Class, and Location columns.
Optional Report Column Label—English — Enter the name of the optional report column in English. This will be used as the column header when printing the PDF in English.
Optional Report Column - Polish - Enter the name of the optional report column in Polish. This is used as the column header when printing the PDF in Polish.
Customizing the Default Saved Search
The Poland Localization bundle includes a default saved search named PL Domyślny raport dowodowy dziennika.
This search was designed to work hand in hand with the journal evidence report and serve as a plug-and-play feature for most users. However, businesses can tailor their searches to their practice, giving enough flexibility for their reporting needs.
To customize the default saved search:
On the global search, type the name of the default saved search you wish to modify and click Edit.
Modify the Search Title value with a descriptive and easily referenceable name.
Ensure the Public checkbox is marked.
Hover over the blue down arrow beside the Save, Save & Email, or Save & Run button and click on Save As. This creates a copy of the default saved search that you can modify.
Type the name of the copied search you created on the global search and click Edit.
Under the Results tab, make the necessary changes to the fields. Select a different field for a particular row and ensure the label remains the same.
For formula fields, you may change the field ID specified in the formula column with the field ID of your desire. The new field will be used to source the correct value in your report. Field IDs must be encapsulated by curly braces {} (e.g. {trandate}).
You may change any of the fields available in the Results tab, but you MUST NOT do any of the following:
Add fields or rows to the search. This action does not automatically add columns to the report.
Remove fields or rows from the search. This action may result in blank columns on the report.
Remove or change the Custom Label on any field. This action removes the mapping between the search and the report columns. Make sure that the label stays the same all the time.
Review the modified search one last time and then hit Save. You may now use the modified search on your Poland Localization Settings.
Assigning Value to the Optional Report Column
When using the optional report column feature, you must customize your saved searches with the proper field reference to display the correct value. Follow the steps in Customizing the Default Saved Search and ensure that the correct field ID is referenced on the Formula column for the Formula (Text) field with a label of customSegment.
An example is shown below where the field Payment Terms is added to the report:
Field | Formula | Custom Label |
Formula (Text) | {terms} | customSegment |
If you want to add a custom segment, you first have to consider the following:
If your Custom Segment Configuration is Header Only, use the Custom Segment Header field.
If your Custom Segment Configuration is Line Only, use the Custom Segment Line field.
If your Custom Segment Configuration is Header and Line, use the Custom Segment Line field.
Knowing the proper field ID to place in the formula ensures that all lines on the report have accurate values for the optional report column you are adding.
Scenario | Field | Formula | Custom Label |
Header Only Custom Segment | Formula (Text) | {cseg_*} | customSegment |
Line Only Custom Segment | Formula (Text) | {line.cseg_*} | customSegment |
Header and Line Custom Segment | Formula (Text) | {line.cseg_*} | customSegment |
Please note that the field IDs shown in the example are not the exact field IDs in your system. Custom fields and segments may have a field ID different from the ones shown.
Default Search Configuration
The default configuration of the default searches is shown below:
PL Domyślny raport dowodowy dziennika
Field | Formula | Custom Label |
Date | PostingDate | |
Formula (Date) | DocumentDate | |
Formula (Text) | {createdby} | UserID |
Transaction Number | DocumentNumber | |
Account : Number | GLAccount | |
Formula (Text) | SUBSTR(COALESCE({memo},{memomain}),0,40) | Description |
Amount (Debit) | AmountDebit | |
Amount (Credit) | AmountCredit | |
Line Unique Key | EntryNo | |
Formula (Text) | customSegment | |
Formula (Text) | {departmentnohierarchy} | department |
Formula (Text) | {classnohierarchy} | class |
Formula (Text) | {locationnohierarchy} | location |
Formula (Text) | {mainname} | name |
Formula (Text) | {postingperiod} | accountingPeriod |
Generating the Journal Evidence Report
To generate a journal evidence report:
Navigate to Reports > Poland Reports > Generate Journal Evidence.
Under Primary Information,
Select a Subsidiary.
Enter a Start Date and End Date.
If Report by Period is enabled, select a Start Period and End Period.
Select your preferred report Language. If your preference is set to English (International), then the report language is defaulted to English. Otherwise, it is defaulted to Polish.
You may mark the Include Opening Balances check box to add an opening balance line in the report.
You may add a Memo to describe or comment on the report run.
Click Save.
Review the details of the saved record. The Status is saved as Not Started. Only proceed with the next steps if all details are finalized.
Click Generate Report.
Clicking the Generate Report button triggers the generation of your report in the background.
After clicking, you will only be able to make changes to the Memo field from now on.
Prompt and alert notifications are timely and provided for all report runs, whether successful or failed.
If a Default Email Sender is specified, an email notification is sent to the user who clicked the Generate Report button.
If you wish to wait, you may click the Refresh button until the process finishes. A prompt, whether it’s successful or failed, will be shown.
If successful, the Status is set to Done, and the file can be downloaded under the PDF field.
If unsuccessful, the Status is set to Failed, and an error message is displayed under the Error field.
Additionally, the following fields are updated for each run:
Generated By - This is the user that clicked the Generate Report button. The same user is printed on the report under the Generated By section.
Generated Date - This is the date the report generation finished. The same date is printed on the report under the Generation Date section.
It's important to note that discrepancies can occur between the Generated Date in the record and the Generated Date in the file when the server's time zone and the current user's time zone under user preferences are different. The Generated Date in the file will always follow the time zone of the server, while the Date and Time shown in NetSuite will always follow the user preference. However, if the user preference is switched to the server's timezone, both values should be the same.
Viewing the Journal Evidence Report
Once a file is generated, you may download it under the PDF field or click on the link to see a preview of the file. The report is divided between a report header and a report line section. The contents of each section are explained below.
Report Header Information
Report Name: This details the type of report generated, namely the General Ledger Report.
Report Period: This displays the date range of the transactions included in the report.
Subsidiary Legal Name: This displays the legal name of the selected subsidiary during report generation.
Subsidiary Address: This displays the address of the selected subsidiary.
Total Report Pagination: This displays the pagination of the overall file.
Date Generated: This displays the date the system generated the report.
Generated By: This displays the NetSuite employee who generated the report.
Report Line Information
The generated journal evidence report contains the following report line information:
No.: This displays the line number of the G/L posting with respect to the report’s sequence.
Entry No.: This displays the Line Unique Key value generated by NetSuite for each G/L posting.
Transaction Date: This displays the actual date of the G/L posting. The format of this date depends on the user preference of the employee who generated the report.
Posting Date: This displays the posting date of the G/L posting. The format of this date depends on the user preference of the employee who generated the report.
Period: This displays the G/L posting's posting period.
Document Number: This displays the related document number in the NetSuite system.
G/L Account No.: This displays the account’s corresponding number with respect to the chart of accounts in the NetSuite system.
Entity: This displays the relevant entity for the G/L posting.
Description: This displays the memo associated with the G/L posting.
Department: This displays the Department set on the G/L posting.
Class: This displays the Class set on the G/L posting.
Location: This displays the Location set on the G/L posting.
Optional Column: This displays the optional column value set on the G/L posting. Note that this field is only shown if configured on the Poland Localization Settings.
Created By: This displays the NetSuite employee who made the G/L posting.
Debit: This displays the debit balance of the G/L posting.
Credit: This displays the credit balance of the G/L posting.
Balance: This displays the report's running balance.
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