This feature allows the user to preview the VAT reports in NetSuite and drill down to the transactions that contribute to the reports. The user can also download the report in .imp format. This format can be used to import the reports in the tax authority’s filing program (ÁNYK-AbevJava).
Navigate to Financial > Staria Hungary Localization > Hungary VAT Reports
Hungary VAT Reports Setup
Select the report to run. You can choose one or both of the options.
65A and 65M
Select the subsidiary.
Select the reporting frequency and the ending period.
Note: Different reporting frequency and starting period can be selected for each report.
Click Save and run. Wait for the page to finish loading. The user will be redirected to the Hungary VAT report summary page.
Hungary VAT Reports Summary
This page displays a summary of the options selected to run the report.
The user can click on the preview buttons for each section of the report. The user will be redirected to the saved searches that will generate each report.
Important: The criteria for the saved searches can be customized to return transactions based on criteria that are specific to the user’s business process. Please contact your administrator for more details regarding each saved search.
Hungary VAT Reports Summary: 65A Preview
Only pages 01,02,03 and 04 of the 65A report are supported.
The user can switch pages by clicking on each of the tabs.
The saved searches for each tax positions needs to be configured during implementation. A blank amount box means that the tax position is not configured.
The tax position is expected to return net amount or tax amount of transactions that match the criteria defined for each position.
Clicking on the tax position number will open the results of the saved search in a new tab. The saved search will display the transactions that contribute to the total amount of the tax position.
Clicking on the 65A Transaction Summary link will open the saved search with the same name in a new tab. You can use this saved search to review transactions and use filters to narrow down your search.
Filters: Subsidiary, Transaction type, Delivery Date, Transaction Date, Tax Code
Hungary VAT Reports Summary: 65M and A60 Previews
Click on each of the preview buttons will open the results of the saved search in a new tab.
The saved searches of the reports being previewed are formatted based on the columns of the report in ÁNYK-AbevJava.
Hungary VAT Reports Import File Download
Click the “Download Import File” button while viewing the Hungary VAT Reports Summary page.
The selected reports will generate an import file (.imp format).
The individual files will be downloaded in 1 zip file.
There is 1 file for the 65A report.
There is 1 file for each vendor seen in the 65M reports preview.
There is 1 file of the A60 report.
Note: Importing the files in ÁNYK-AbevJava:
The 65A and A60 reports can be imported via: Szerviz > Egyedi importálás.
The 65M reports can be imported while viewing the 65A report. Click on the ” Állomány beemelése” button.
For questions or clarifications, please contact