Custom Asset Records for SAF-T

Custom Asset Records for SAF-T


The records and reports in the fixed assets cannot be mapped directly to the Lithuanian SAF-T. There are some information that are missing or we are unable to map to the SAF-T structure.

As an alternative, 3 custom record types are created in order to fulfill the data requirements. The information will mostly be coming from the Fixed Assets Management still but additional manual work are needed in order to supply the information correction correctly.

New custom record types









LT Asset


This is used to record the fixed asset information.

Create this every new asset.

LT Asset Transaction


This is used to record the transactions related to the fixed assets.

Create this by the end of the month after updating the list of assets.

LT Asset Valuation


This is used to record the asset values by the end of each period.

Create this by the end of the month after importing the list of transactions.

Here are the specific steps on how to populate the custom records:

LT Asset

The LT Asset import is the initial stage of the process. Prioritizing the import of the LT Asset is crucial, as both the LT Asset Transaction and LT Asset Valuation are contingent upon the availability of the LT Asset.

Preparing the list of LT Assets

See below steps on how to import the FAM asset records to the LT Asset records:

  1. Download the following saved searches in NetSuite (this can be accessed via the global search):

    1. [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets (FAM Record)

    2. Vendor Search with Internal ID

Filter the saved search to show only the subsidiary that is needed for SAF-T. Additionally, filter the by date of acquisition to avoid importing LT Assets that are already existing in NetSuite. Then, download the file as a CSV. Verify the correctness of the file after download. Make sure that the date format in the CSV file matches the date format in NetSuite.

  1. Open a new excel file, then create two sheets.

    1. Create the First Sheet for “[STA-LT] SAF-T Assets (FAM Record)“:

      1. In the new workbook, you should see a sheet labeled “Sheet1“ (or similar).

      2. Right-click on "Sheet1" and select "Rename" or simply double-click on it.

      3. Rename it to "LT Asset" or any name that is easy to remember.

      4. Copy the data in this sheet from the saved search that was dowloaded named [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets (FAM Record).

    2. Create the Second Sheet for “Vendor Search with Internal ID"

      1. In the same workbook, right-click on the sheet tab of "Asset Transactions JEs" and select "Insert."

      2. A new sheet, typically named "Sheet3," will be added.

      3. Right-click on "Sheet2" and rename it to "Vendor Search" or any name that is easy to remember.

      4. Copy the data in this sheet from the saved search that was dowloaded named Vendor Search with Internal ID.


  1. Perform a VLOOKUP to add the internal ID in column J (SupplierInternalID) of the LT Asset sheet.

    1. Select the Cell in the "SupplierInternalID" Column: Go to the first cell in the "SupplierInternalID" column where you want to populate the data (In this case, it is normally cell J2).

    2. In Cell J2, enter the following VLOOKUP formula:

=VLOOKUP(F2,'Vendor Search'!$A:$C,3,0)
  • F2: This is the "SupplierID" value in the first sheet for the current row.

  • 'Vendor Search'!A:C: This is the range in the second sheet where the VLOOKUP will search for a match.

  • 3: This specifies that it should return the value in the third column of the second sheet (which is the "TransactionJE" column).

  • 0: This exact match parameter ensures that only exact matches are returned.

  1. Copy the formula from cell J2 to the remaining rows in column J. There will be instances that the VLOOKUP formula will display #N/A. This happens if the Supplier in column F is empty or if the supplier ID does not exist in NetSuite. Make sure to remove the #N/A values in the file.

  1. Create a new excel file. Copy the data from the LT Asset sheet and save the file as a CSV. The new CSV file will be used for import in NetSuite.


Import of LT Asset Records into NetSuite

To import the LT Asset records:

  1. In NetSuite, navigate to Setup > Import > Saved CSV Imports. Alternatively, this can be achieved by typing “page: Saved CSV Imports” in the global search. Then, select [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets Import from the Saved CSV import list.


  1. Click the Select… button in the page. A new window shall appear. Select the CSV file that was saved earlier. Then, click the Next button.

  1. Click Next in the Import Options and Field Mapping Page.

  2. Select Run in the Save mapping & Start Import page.


  1. Confirmation shall appear at the top of the page. Click on the Import Job Status to check the status of the import.

  1. Once complete, verify the import by typing “page: LT Asset” in the global search.

LT Asset Transaction

Preparing the list of LT Asset Transactions

Below are the steps on how to prepare the data for import into NetSuite:

  1. Download the following saved searches in NetSuite:

    1. [STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions (FAM Record)

    2. [STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions JEs (FAM Record)

    3. Vendor Search with Internal ID

Apply date filter in the search to ensure that only those that has relevant dates are captured


  1. Open a new excel file, then create three sheets.

    1. Create the First Sheet for "[STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions (FAM Record)":

      1. In the new workbook, you should see a sheet labeled "Sheet1" (or similar).

      2. Right-click on "Sheet1" and select "Rename" or simply double-click on it.

      3. Rename it to "Asset Transactions" or any name that is easy to remember.

      4. Copy the data in this sheet from the saved search that was dowloaded named [STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions (FAM Record)

    2. Create the Second Sheet for "[STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions JEs (FAM Record)":

      1. In the same workbook, right-click on the sheet tab of "Asset Transactions" and select "Insert."

      2. A new sheet, typically named "Sheet2," will be added.

      3. Right-click on "Sheet2" and rename it to "Asset Transactions JEs" or any name that is easy to remember.

      4. Copy the data in this sheet from the saved search that was dowloaded named [STA-LT] SAF-T Asset Transactions JEs (FAM Record)

    3. Create the Second Sheet for “Vendor Search with Internal ID"

      1. In the same workbook, right-click on the sheet tab of "Asset Transactions JEs" and select "Insert."

      2. A new sheet, typically named "Sheet3," will be added.

      3. Right-click on "Sheet2" and rename it to "Vendor Search" or any name that is easy to remember.

      4. Copy the data in this sheet from the saved search that was dowloaded named Vendor Search with Internal ID.


  1. Create a VLOOKUP formula in Asset Transactions sheet for Transaction JE.

    1. Select the Cell in the "TransactionJE" Column: Go to the first cell in the "TransactionJE" column where you want to populate the data (In this case, it is normally cell U2).

    2. In Cell U2, enter the following VLOOKUP formula:

=VLOOKUP(A2,'Asset Transactions JEs'!A:C,3,0)
  • A2: This is the "ASSETTRANSACTIONID" value in the first sheet for the current row.

  • 'Asset Transactions JEs'!A:C: This is the range in the second sheet where the VLOOKUP will search for a match.

  • 3: This specifies that it should return the value in the third column of the second sheet (which is the "TransactionJE" column).

  • 0: This exact match parameter ensures that only exact matches are returned.

c. Copy the formula to all other relevant cells in the “TransactionJE” column.


  1. Create a VLOOKUP formula in Asset Transctions sheet for Supplier.

    1. Select the Cell in the "SupplierID" Column: Go to the first cell in the "SupplierID" column where you want to populate the data (In this case, it is normally cell V2).

    2. In Cell V2, enter the following VLOOKUP formula:

=VLOOKUP(G2,'Vendor Search'!A:C,3,0)
  • G3: This is the "Supplier" value in the first sheet for the current row.

  • 'Vendor Search'!A:C: This is the range in the second sheet where the VLOOKUP will search for a match.

  • 3: This specifies that it should return the value in the third column of the second sheet (which is the "Internal ID" column).

  • 0: This exact match parameter ensures that only exact matches are returned.


  1. Remove the #N/A and 0 values in the TransactionJE and SupplierID column.


  1. Create a new excel file. Copy the data from the Asset Transactions sheet and save the file as a CSV. The new CSV file will be used for import in NetSuite.

  • Make sure that the date format in the saved CSV matches the date format in NetSuite.

  • As for the amounts, ensure that there are no commas.


Import of LT Asset Transactions into NetSuite

To import the LT Asset Transactions into NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, navigate to Setup > Import > Saved CSV Imports. Alternatively, this can be achieved by typing “page: Saved CSV Imports” in the global search. Then, select [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets Transactions from the Saved CSV import list.


  2. Click the Select… button in the page. A new window shall appear. Select the CSV file that was saved from the Preparing the list of LT Asset Transactions . Then, click the Next button.


  3. Click Next in the Import Options and Field Mapping Page.


  1. Select Run in the Save mapping & Start Import page.


  1. Confirmation shall appear at the top of the page. Click on the Import Job Status to check the status of the import.


  2. Once complete, verify the import in the LT Asset Transactions list by typing “page: LT Asset Transaction” in the global search.

 LT Asset Valuation

Preparing the list of LT Asset Valuation

Below are the steps on how to prepare the LT Asset Valuation data for import into NetSuite:

  1. Open the saved search: [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets/Valuations (FAM Record). Apply relevant filters such as date and/or subsidiary


  1. Download the search as a CSV.

  1. In column AK (ValuationDate), add the date of valuation. Verify the correctness of the file after download. Make sure that the date format in the CSV file matches the date format in NetSuite and the numbers must not contain commas.

  2. Save the CSV in local drive. The file will be used for import into NetSuite.

Import of LT Asset Valuation into NetSuite

To import the LT Asset Valuation into NetSuite:

  1. In NetSuite, navigate to Setup > Import > Saved CSV Imports. Alternatively, this can be achieved by typing “page: Saved CSV Imports” in the global search. Then, select [STA-LT] SAF-T Assets Valuation from the Saved CSV import list.


  2. Click the Select… button in the page. A new window shall appear. Select the CSV file that was saved from the https://staria.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SLL/pages/1301414093 . Then, click the Next button.


  3. Click Next in the Import Options and Field Mapping Page.


  1. Select Run in the Save mapping & Start Import page.


  1. Confirmation shall appear at the top of the page. Click on the Import Job Status to check the status of the import.


  2. Once complete, verify the import in the LT Asset Valuation list by typing “page: LT Asset Valuation” in the global search.



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