Exchange Rate Integration
Updated labels and help notes for the script parameters of [STA] Update FX Rates SS to make them more intuitive and user-friendly. These changes are aimed at improving usability and reducing confusion for end users.
Old Script Parameter label | New label | Field Help |
Effective Date | Manual Run Date | Input a value if you want to get the exchange rates for a specific effective date (the latest available on or before the effective date, depending on the Get Exchange Rate parameter value). If blank, the script will get the latest available exchange rates on or before the current date in CET. |
Get Exchange Rate | Get Exchange Rate | This field stores the schedule for getting FX rates.
On or Before Effective Date
Previous FX Rate Days | Previous FX Rate Days | Enter the number of days prior to current date or Manual Run Date that the script will search for an available exchange rate in case rates for the current date or Manual Run Date is unavailable. |
The following deprecated script parameters are removed:
Date Updated DEPRECATED (custscript_sta_date_updated)
UPDATE FIRST WORK DAY DEPRECATED (custscript_sta_1stday_update)
Month Updated DEPRECATED (custscript_sta_month_updated)
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