VAT (PVN) Reporting

VAT (PVN) Reporting

Generating the VAT Report XML

To generate the Latvian VAT report XML:

  1. Go to Reports > Latvian VAT Reports > Generate Latvian VAT Report.

  2. Under VAT Parameters:

    1. Select a Subsidiary from the list.

    2. Select a Language:

      1. Latvian; or

      2. English.

    3. Select Report By:

      1. Quarter, then select the Quarter; or

      2. Period

    4. Select the Period/Quarter Ending.

    5. Enter the Year.

  3. Under VAT Form Fields:

    1. Mark the Clarification box if the XML is being generated for a modification. Leave this as unmark if this is the first document.

    2. Enter the values for the following fields when applicable:

      1. Compensation Paid to Farmers (Box 65)

      2. The Amount of VAT Deductible as Input Tax (Box 66)

      3. Previous Taxation Periods Deducted Input Tax Reduction (Box 57)

      4. Previous Taxation Periods for Payment Country Budget Calculated Tax Reduction (Box 67)

  4. Under the Overpaid VAT Form Fields:

    1. Mark the Transfer Overpaid box when applicable.

    2. Enter the values for the following fields when applicable:

      1. Overpaid VAT

      2. Amount to be Transferred

      3. Account No.

  5. Under the PDF Export field group, enter the following information:

    1. Preparer

    2. Email

    3. Phone

  6. Click the Apply VAT Parameters button and wait for the report to load.

  7. Review the VAT return.

  8. Click Generate XML button. A process will run in the background.

  9. An email notification will be sent like one below:

  10. Click the NetSuite LV VAT Report XML File link to access the generated XML file.

  11. Right-click the page to save it as an XML file.

Refer to the Latvian VAT Report Data sources page for the detailed list of saved searches that are used to generate the VAT report.


Printing the VAT Report

To print the VAT report as PDF:

  1. From the Latvian VAT Report Interface:

    1. Click the Export PDF button

  2. An email notification will be sent like the one below:

  3. Click the NetSuite LV VAT Report PDF File link.

  4. Click download and save.


For questions or concerns, please contact support@staria.com.



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