Info |
Invoice creation and editing processes can vary based on your company’s business process. Please work with your implementation consultant to identify the correct navigation path for you to use. |
Real-time Invoice Data Reporting (NAV - Online Számla)
The Hungarian National Tax and Customs Authority requires all domestic invoice transactions with another VAT-taxable entity to be reported in real-time. This feature allows you to send directly the invoice data real-time to Online Számla.
Tip |
Invoices, Credit Memo, Cash Sales and Cash Refunds are all reported to NAV as invoices. If an approval workflow is implemented for NetSuite sales invoices, only Netsuite Invoices with approval status equal to “Approved“ will be submitted to Online Számla. |
Creating or editing New Invoices
Invoice fields required by NAV
Info |
The complete list of fields are found in Real-time Invoice Data Mapping |
Delivery Date
Invoice Classification
Invoice Appearance
Method of Payment
Line Item: Description
Line Item: VAT Rate Type (If tax rate is zero [0])
Line Item: VAT Rate Case (If tax rate is zero [0])
Line Item: VAT Rate Reason (If tax rate is zero [0])
Invoice Number Source
The field ID that will be reported as the invoice number is setup during implementation in the Setting Up Hungary Localization Settings. The defaut setting is the tranid of the transaction.
Auto-Calculate Delivery Date
When this feature is enabled in the https://staria.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=840695809, the delivery date will be automatically calculated after clicking the Save button of the transaction. the following fields are mandatory.
The delivery date field will fail to auto-calculate if the required field is blank:
Field | ID |
Ship Date | shipdate |
[STA] HU RTID SERVICE PERIOD END DATE | custbody_sta_hu_rtid_srvc_prd_end_dt |
[STA] HU RTID INVOICE CLASSIFICATION | custbody_sta_hu_rtid_inv_clssfctn |
Date | trandate |
Due Date | duedate |
Sending Original Invoice to Online Számla
Submit Invoices on Create
When this feature is enabled in the Setting Up Hungary Localization Settings, the invoice is submitted to the tax authority after saving it for the first time. The user will not have the opportunity to edit the transaction if the result of the submission is a success.
Note |
The automatic submission of |
Invoices on saving newly created invoices is not compatible with the localization setting: NAV Connection method = Fetch via Client. |
Manual Sending of Invoice to Online Számla
Option 1
Saving the record and submitting to NAV
Note |
Checking the[STA] HU RTID READY FOR E-REPORTING box is not required when using the localization setting:NAV Connection method = Fetch via Client. |
Save the invoice.
Option 2
Note |
Important: The current feature supports normal invoice category. The aggregate and simple invoice categories are not yet supported. |
Invoices that will not be submitted to NAV
Sales invoices with approval status that are not equal to “approved“.
Transactions that use a tax code with [STA] HU RTID EXEMPT FROM DATA DISCLOSURE = T. See https://staria.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SHLS/pages/840761363/Tax+Code+Record#Tax-Codes-Exempt-from-Data-Disclosure.
Modifying Invoices and Submitting to NAV
If correction is required for an original invoice which was already sent successfully to Online Számla, you may create a new transaction to record the changes. There is additional information that you need to supply in order to successfully send the “correction invoice” data to Online Számla.
Create the cancellation document
Note: In NetSuite the cancellation document are:
Credit memo for Invoices
Cash Refund for Cash Sales
View the invoice that needs to be corrected.
Click the “Credit” or “Refund” button from the transaction to modify.
Go to NAV Online Invoicing subtab.
Review / Fill out the mandatory and optional information.
Save the record and submit to NAV.
Transaction Header Fields
Field name | Description |
[STA] HU RTID Original Reference Number | The number of the original invoice amended by the modification. |
[STA] HU RTID Invoice Operation | Indication of the invoice operation. Set to: MODIFY |
[STA] HU RTID Modification Index | The modificationIndex provides a unique description of the order of supplier-side modifications.
Logically, modificationIndex = 1 value should be assigned to data pertaining to the first modification of the invoice. For any subsequent modifications, the element should denote the number of invoice modifications referenced by the data report for the amending document. The system uses the modificationIndex value to verify the uniqueness of the amending documents. The same modificationIndex value cannot be used for submitting data more than once. |
Transaction Line Fields
Field name | Description |
[STA] HU RTID Modification Type
| Modification type of the invoice Item. This is defaulted to “CREATE” |
[STA] HU RTID Line Number Reference | The item number of the modified original invoice (lineNumber). The new item number when creating a new line item, continuing the original invoice. |
Auto-Populate Original Reference Number
When this feature is enabled in the Setting Up Hungary Localization Settings, the original reference number will be auto-populated when any of the following conditions are satisfied:
The credit memo is created from the invoice being modified.
The credit memo is created from the return authorization cerated fom the invoice being modified.
Automated Invoice Modification Fields
Note |
Important: This feature is turned on by default.It is highly recommended to keep this turned on. This solution follows the tax authorities' proposed solution (#2) for modifying submitted invoices. Turning this feature off will require the user to manually fill-out the fields described below. https://onlineszamla.nav.gov.hu/dokumentaciok Document File name: 2020-12-07-Invoicesamples_v3.0_EN Document Title: Sample invoices and related xml files for the online invoice data report 4.2.2 Correction of incorrect product - solution 2 |
[STA] HU RTID Original Invoice Number
[STA] HU RTID Invoice Operation
[STA] HU RTID Modification Index
[STA] HU RTID Modification Type
[STA] HU RTID Line Number Reference
Create the invoice with the correct data contents
View the invoice that is being modified.
Click the “HU Invoice Correction” button from the transaction to modify.
Update the invoice with the correct content.
Go to NAV Online Invoicing subtab.
Review / Fill out the mandatory and optional information.
Save the record and submit to NAV.
Advanced Payment Invoices
Creating the advanced payment invoice
Warning |
The advanced payment invoice must not be created from the original sales order lines. Follow the instructions below in creating the advanced payment invoice using a payment type item. |
Create a stand-alone Invoice.
Enter a NetSuite payment type item. Enter the amount of the advanced payment and check the [STA-HU] ADVANCE INDICATOR field.
Save the invoice.
Submit to online számla.
Creating the final invoice
When creating the final invoice, a line item must be added to record and report the related advanced payment.
Create the final invoice by invoicing a sales order or creating a stand-alone invoice (the actual process will be dependent on your company’s internal business process).
Add a NetSuite payment-type item.
Enter the negative amount of the advanced payment
Select the related advanced payment invoice in the [STA-HU] ADVANCE PAYMENT INVOICE field. The following fields will be automatically populated:
Save the invoice.
Submit to online számla.
Error Resolution
When the sending of the invoice data fails, the E-Reporting Status will be set to Failed. You may review the reason by looking into the Online Invoice Submission Error under NAV Online Invoicing subtab.
Info |
Note: For more information about the details of the error, you may check the Error Management section of Online Invoicing System 3.0 Interface Specification which can be found in Technical Information of the Online Számla website. |
Online Számla – NAV timeout
There are cases when NAV’s server will timeout. This happens when the NAV server takes more than 60 seconds to respond.
If the invoice was succesfully submitted, the invoice status will be updated, and the invoice will be locked.
List of failed invoice submissions
Navigate to Financial > Staria Hungary Localization > Hungary Online Számla Failed Submissions
Warning |
Scheduled Resubmission of Failed Invoices
There are cases when NAV fails to return a failed or success response. This is considered a timeout. These invoices will have the “Processing” RTID e-reporting status. These invoices are automatically resubmitted until a failed or success status is achieved. These invoices are submitted every two hours. Please refer to
https://staria.atlassian.net/l/c/rCUvDZeR setup instructions to change the frequency of the schedule.
Printing Invoices
Note |
Steps to print the invoice may vary based on your company’s business process. |