Setting Up Hungary Localization Settings
On this page, you may enter setup information or select settings to enable or disable features related to Hungary Localization SuiteApp.
Navigate to Staria Localizations > Setup > Hungary Localization Settings
Click Edit next to the Localization Settings record. You can also click ”New STA HU Localization Settings” if a record does not exist.
General Settings
Field name | Description |
Subsidiary | Select the subsidiary to which the Hungarian localization settings will apply. |
XML FOLDER ID | Input the internal ID of the NetSuite file cabinet folder. This will be used to store XML files generated by the SuiteApp. |
RTID - NAV Technical User Setup
Enter the data that will be used for the token exchange between NetSuite and NAV.
Fill-out the fields based on the same information of the registered technical user in the Online Invoice System:
Field name | Description |
Software ID | Invoicing programme ID |
Software Name | Invoicing programme name |
Software Version | Main version of the invoicing program |
Software Dev Name | Name of the invoicing programme’s developer |
Sofrtware Dev Contact Email | Active email address of the programme’s developer |
Sofrware Dev Country Code | Country code of the invoicing programme’s developer |
Software Dev Tax Number | Tax number of the invoicing programme’s developer |
User Login | Technical user’s log-in name |
User Password | Technical user’s password |
User Tax Number | The first 8 digits of the tax number of the taxpayer who uses the interface service, and to whom the technical user is assigned |
User Replacement Key | Technical user’s replacement key generated in the Online Invoicing system |
XML Signature Key | Technical user’s signature key generated in the Online Invoicing system |
Person Incharge of Online Submission (Email) | Email of the person actually performing the Taxpayer’s data reporting duty |
Online Invoice Base Amount | Enter the minimum invoice amount that should be made part of the real time report. |
Online Submission Test Mode | The system will run on test mode. |
Subsidiary | Select the specific subsidiary for this setting. |
Failed Submission Notification Recipients | Email address that will receive notifications of a failed submission. |
Failed Submission Notification Author | Name indicated as the sender of the failure notification. |
NAV Connection Method | This is used to configure the connection methodology used. The default option is to use the “Post via user event“ method.
Post via User Event - Set to Post via User Event will use the NetSuite HTTPS module which will run on server side
Fetch via Client - Set to Fetch via Client will use the JavaScript Fetch method which will run on a client side. |
RTID - Supplier Information
Field name | Description |
Supplier Tax Number Mandatory | The domestic tax number under which the sales or service provision on the invoice was carried out. |
Supplier Group Member Tax Number Optional | The group member’s tax number, if the sale of the product or provision of service was carried out using a group ID. |
Supplier Commununity Tax Number Optional | The EU VAT number of the supplier |
Supplier Bank Account Number | Bank account number of seller |
Subsidiary has individul exempt status | The value is “true” if the invoice |
Excise License Number | The seller’s tax warehouse/excise |
Company IBAN | International bank account number |
Company IBAN 2 | For payments in other currency, if required |
Company IBAN 3 | For payments in additional currency, if required |
Company BIC | Business Identifier Code |
Company BIC 2 | In reference to IBAN 2 |
Company BIC 3 | In reference to IBAN 3 |
RTID - Customer Information
Field name | Description |
Enable Customer VAT Status Suggestion | Checkbox that will enable to VAT Status suggestion feature. |
Customer Tax Number Fieled Sourcing | Select the option on how the customer tax number wil be determined.
Choose from 1 of 3 options.
DISABLED: The customer will use the Staria Hungary localization tax fields to store the customer’s tax number. |
HU Customer Tax Number Field | Source Field of the tax number which the invoiced procurement of the product or use of service was carried out |
HU Customerr Group Tax Number Field | Source Field of the group member’s tax number which the invoiced procurement of the product or use of service was carried out |
HU Community VAT Number | Source of the customer’s EU VAT Number |
HU Third State Tax ID | Source of the customer’s tax number outside of Europe. |
Customer Tax Number Fields Sourcing
This preference determines the source of Customer VAT number.
Option | Description |
DISABLED | The customer does not have a preferred field to keep the tax number and would prefer to fill-out the tax number manually.
The customer will use the tax number fields provided by the suiteapp.
[STA] HU Customer Tax Number [STA] Customer Group Tax Number [STA] HU Community VAT Number [STA] HU Third State Tax ID
Single Source Field | The customer record uses a single field to store the tax number regardless of the customer VAT Status.
The suiteapp will automatically determine the correct tax field to use based on Tax Number Field Sourcing Decision Tree. |
Multiple Source Field | The customer uses multiple fields to keep tax numbers for each tax status. |
The user will manually input the tax number to the SuiteApp provided tax number fields.
Single Source Field
The user will nominate the field ID for the Customer tax number and the customer group tax number field. The nominated customer tax number field will be the single source for custome tax number, Community VAT number and Third State Tax Number.
Multiple Source Field
The user nominates tax number field sources for each of the tax numbers.
RTID - Invoice Information
Field name | Description |
Invoice Number Source | Set the Field ID for the invoice number source. The specified field ID will be reported as the invoice number to NAV. The defaut value is the tranid.
Submit invoices on create | Enables the feature to submit the invoices to the tax authority automatically when invoices are created and saved. This configuration option is not compatible with NAV Connection method = Fetch via Client. Invoices will not be submitted upon saving a newly created invoice regardless of if the Submit invoices on create option is true or false. |
Auto-populate Original reference number | Enables the feature to auto-populate the original reference number of the modifying invoice. |
Auto-Calculate [STA] HU VAT Delivery Date | Enables the feature to auto-calculate the delivery date of the invoice. The user can nominate the source field for the [STA] HU RTID SERVICE PERIOD END DATE field. Input the field ID in the STA HU Localization Setting record. |
Service Period Start Date Source | Field ID for the Service period start date. |
Service Period End Date Source | Field ID for the Service period end date. |
Person in Charge of Online Submission (EMAIL) | Email of the person actually performing the |
Online Submission Test Mode | The system will run on test mode.
Saved search ID for VAT Summary section of the Invoice and Credit Memo PDF template.
Online Számla Custom Mapping
This custom record is used to customize which invoice fields are mapped to the XML elements.
Click “New [STA] HU RTID Mapping”
Enter values for elements that need custom mapping. Leave fields blank if you want to keep using the default mappings.
Save the record.
Field name (XML Element) | Description |
INVOICENUMBER | Enter the invoice field that should be mapped to the invoicenumber XML element. This is mapped to {number} by default. |
INVOICEISSUEDATE | Enter the invoice field that should be mapped to the invoiceissuedate XML element. This is mapped to {trandate} by default. |
ORIGINALINVOICENUMBER | Enter the invoice field that should be mapped to the originalinvoicenumber XML element. This is mapped to {custbody_sta_hu_originvoice_refnum} by default. |
INVOICEDELIVERYDATE | Enter the invoice field that should be mapped to the invoicedeliverydate XML element. This is mapped to {custbody_sta_hu_vat_delivery_date} by default. |
Hungary VAT Reports
The VAT report Configuration tab contains the following fields that are used to define the saved searches that build the Hungary VAT Reports.
Fields within the XX65M and XXA60 filed groups are used to assign the nominated saved search for each of the following report sections.
Field Group | Field name | Description |
65A | XX65A SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT 65A ID: {customsearch_sta_hu_vat_65a} |
XX65M | XX65M-02 SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT 65M-02 ID: customsearch_sta_hu_xx65m_02 |
XX65M | XX65M-02K SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT 65M-02-K ID: customsearch_sta_hu_xx65m_02_k |
XXA60 | XXA60-01 SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT A60-01 ID: customsearch_sta_hu_vat_a60_01 |
XXA60 | XXA60-02 SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT A60-02 ID: customsearch_sta_hu_vat_a60_02 |
XXA60 | XXA60-03 SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT A60-03 ID: customsearch_sta_hu_vat_a60_03 |
XXA60 | XXA60-04 SAVED SEARCH SOURCE | Default search: [STA] HU VAT A60-04 ID: customsearch_sta_hu_vat_a60_04 |
The [STA] HU VAT XX65A TAX POSITION sublist is used to setup the 65A report. The administrator can add or remove a tax position by editing the contents of the list.
Sublist Column name | Description |
[STA] HU VAT XX65A TAX POSITIONS NAME | Specify the tax position number as seen in the right most column of the 65A report in ÁNYK-AbevJava |
TAX POSITION SAVED SEARCH ID | Nominate the saved search ID for the corresponding tax position |
For questions or concerns, please contact