Generate Accrual Entries
This feature is available on 2.4.0 version onwards.
AP Accruals Account - Net Amount
Select the account which should default in the user interface for generating accruals for this subsidiary.
Transaction Date Field For Accruals
Enter the field ID you would want to use as the date filter. By default, this is set to accountingperiod.enddate. This means that the accounting period - end date of the transaction will be the basis of the filter.
If you want to use the transaction date, you may enter the trandate. For all other transaction date fields, enter their field ID.
The feature has its own user interface which runs on a Suitelet. The Suitelet must be deployed in order to access the user interface.
To deploy the Suitelet:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
On the Script filter, select [STA] SL INFlow Accrual.
Click the Edit link next to the deployment record
Set the Status to Released.
Click the Save button.
Edit the journal form to display the following fields:
[STA] Accrual Entry — when checked, this means that the journal entry was created by the accrual feature.
[STA] Source Transaction — this displays the source bill transaction.
[STA] Accrual Entries sublist will be displayed in the Related Records. This will show the list of accrual entries generated for this bill.
Out of Scope
INFlow Preference
[STA] INFlow Preferences | customrecord_sta_einv_pref |
| New field: Transaction Date Field for Accruals (custrecord_sta_einv_pref_datefld_accrual) |
Name | ID | Type | Notes |
[STA] SL INFlow Accrual | customscript_sta_sl_inf_accrual | Suitelet | Main UI |
[STA] SS INFlow Accrual | customscript_sta_ss_inf_accrual | Scheduled | Creates the Journal Entries |
STA_INF_CS_Accrual.js | - | File (client) | For field validations and button functions |
Custom Transaction Fields
Name | ID | Type | Notes |
[STA] Accrual Entry | custbody_sta_inf_accr_entry | Transaction Body | Identifier that JE is an accrual entry |
[STA] Source Transaction | custcol_sta_inf_accr_source_tran | Transaction Line | Links the Vendor Bill to the JE |
Saved Searches
Name | ID | Type | Notes |
[STA] INFlow Accruals for Suitelet | customsearch_sta_inflow_accrual_sl | Transaction | Main search to get transactions to be accrued |
[STA] INFlow Accrual Entries Sublist | customsearch_sta_inf_accr_sublist | Transaction | Used for the sublist in the Bill record to show accrual JEs |
Custom subtab
Name | ID | Type | Notes |
[STA] Accrual Entries | custsublist_sta_inf_accrual_entries | Transaction |