Generating Accruals

Generating Accruals

This applies to version 2.4.0 and later versions.

To generate an accrual entry:

  1. Go to INFlow > INFlow Portal > Generate Accrual.

  2. The Search Criteria are used to filter the results. Select when applicable:

    1. Subsidiary (mandatory)

    2. Period (mandatory)

    3. Saved Search (mandatory)

    4. Department

    5. Class

    6. Location

    7. Vendor

  3. Click the Apply Filters button.

  4. In the Entry section, select or enter the following:

    1. Accrual Account

    2. Memo

    3. Department

    4. Class

    5. Location

  5. Review the list of Transactions to be Accrued.

  6. Click the Generate Accrual Entry button.

  7. A journal entry will be created after the process has been completed successfully. You will receive a notification and a link to the journal entry.


The following features are not supported in this next-generation accrual.

  1. Summarized or grouped referenced saved searches.

  2. Amortization.

The previous solution for accrual is still available. However, future enhancements will be directed towards the new page.

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