Vendor bills must be sent as file attachments – either individually attached or within a zip file.
Only the attachment shall be processed as a document (not the body of the email).
Each attachment must contain only one vendor bill, unless attachment is a ZIP file
No more than 10 attachments are permitted per email including inside a ZIP files.
Total size of the attached files must not exceed twenty megabytes (20 MB) per email.
Files must not be encrypted or password protected.
If an email does not meet the rules for submission, a response email will be returned to the sending email address to inform the sender, that the email has been rejected stating the reason for the failure.
If even one email attachment is not valid, the whole email is left unhandled.
If the attachments sent to Staria Capture are scanned from paper, the following requirements have to be met:
Print quality 600 dpi minimum
Color: black & white
Used font is easy to read, e.g. Arial
Scanner setting 600 dpi minimum