FlowAP Update > Migrate EI permissions to FlowAP counterpart

FlowAP Update > Migrate EI permissions to FlowAP counterpart

Purpose: To provide the roles the new FlowAP Document permissions with the same level based on the Inbound E-document permissions.

Grant FlowAP Document Permission

  1. Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates > Roles & Permissions > Add/Edit Permission on Roles

  2. Permission = Staria FlowAP Document

  3. Criteria > add the below permissions:
    Permission is Inbound E-Documents
    Level is not None
    Custom is true


  4. Results > show the below fields
    Sort by = Level


  5. Title of Action = FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles


  6. Save

  7. List > Mass Update > Saved Mass Update > FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles

  8. Level = Create

  9. Preview

  10. Set Apply = T to Roles where Level = Create
    *ignore roles that are locked


  11. Perform Update

  12. List > Mass Update > Saved Mass Update > FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles

  13. Repeat steps 8-12 for the other Levels (View, Edit, Full)

Grant FlowAP Document Audit trail Permission

  1. List > Mass Update > Saved Mass Update > FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles

  2. Permission = Staria FlowAP Document Audit Trail

  3. Criteria > Update permission:
    Permission is E-document Audit Trail


  4. Save

  5. Open FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles again


  6. Level = Create

  7. Preview

  8. Set Apply = T to Roles where Level = Create
    *ignore roles that are locked


  9. Perform Update

  10. List > Mass Update > Saved Mass Update > FlowAP Add/Edit Permission on Roles

  11. Repeat steps 8-12 for the other Levels (View, Edit, Full)

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