FlowAP Update > Efecte Ticket Creation

FlowAP Update > Efecte Ticket Creation

Purpose: This is to make sure that communication regarding the update is recorded via the ticket in which relevant parties would be review.


  1. Send Email with the below details:
    To: support@staria.com
    Subject: Action needed: FlowAP 3.2.x Update Notice - [companyname]


  2. Copy the ticket number on the notification received


  3. Search and open the ticket in Efecte


  4. Edit the ticket and set the following:
    Customer = [customer account]
    Status = In Progress
    Support Person = [you]

  5. Click on the New Message button


  6. To = *customer contact, if you do not know reach out the Service Manager


    *if you need to CC any click on Show All Header fields
    Optional : Copy, Tiia and Jukka for AP customers.

  7. Send a message to inform the customer that you would be updating their account, sample:

Hello [customer],

As agreed, we will now be updating your production account to the latest version of FlowAP which will be using the FlowAP Conversion. Please read the document below to help you with the transition:
The End user's guide to Transitioning from NetSuite's Inbound E-Document to FlowAP Document

We will let you know once the update is done and let us use this ticket for communication regarding any questions and issues related to the update.


Dear Staria FlowAP -customer,

This is to inform you that the FlowAP SuiteApp will be updated in your account into version 3.2 on or before June 30, 2024.  There are required actions needed from your team before this update.

Upcoming Changes

Legacy Conversion will be deprecated and replaced by NextGen Conversion

  • NetSuite Inbound Electronic Invoicing is no longer required to utilize the FlowAP conversion features.

  • Inbound E-documents will be replaced by FlowAP document as an intermediary document between purchase e-invoice (XML) and NetSuite purchase bill or bill credit transactions.

  • INFlow Monitor will be deprecated and replaced by FlowAP Gateway Monitor.

Here’s a quick summary of the key improvements made to the NextGen Conversion: Upgrading to the NextGen FlowAP Conversion.

Introduction of the PDF Split View for Full Access users

  • Using the full access role, invoices can now be viewed side-by-side with the NetSuite bill or bill credit transaction instead of the floating window.  This should make the review process more convenient for users.


For more information, read all the release notes from version 3.2.0 and onwards.  Please contact support@staria.com in case you have any questions or concerns.

Required Actions

These required actions are intended for your FlowAP end users and administrators:

  • Watch the training video on how to transition from using the inbound-document dashboard portlet to the new FlowAP dashboard portlet.  Consult your NetSuite administrator if you are unable to add the new portlet to your dashboard. Read the The End user's guide to Transitioning from NetSuite's Inbound E-Document to FlowAP Document.

  • Review all outstanding inbound documents. All open inbound documents at the time of the upgrade will be migrated to the new FlowAP document.  We highly recommend resolving all the issues in the open inbound documents prior to the update for a smoother transition.

We understand the importance of seamless transitions for our valued customers.  Please contact support@staria.com or your service manager on or before June 14, 2024 in case:

  • You have a preferred schedule for the upgrade; and

  • You need the upgrade to be tested in sandbox prior to production upgrade. 

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dear Staria FlowAP -customer,

This is to inform you that the FlowAP SuiteApp will be updated in your account into version 3.2 on or before June 30, 2024. 

For more information, read all the release notes from version 3.2.0 and onwards.  Please contact support@staria.com in case you have any questions or concerns.




  1. Paste the URL of the Ticket in the Task Template

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