FlowAP Update > Migrating Inbound E-documents to FlowAP Documents

Emoji :blue_book: Instructions

  1. Global Search and edit: [STA] FlowAP E-Documents for Conversion to FlowAP

  2. Add filters to identify the Inbound E-documents you want to migrate, for example
    E-Document Status = For Conversion

  3. Search Title = [STA] FlowAP E-Documents for Conversion to FlowAP - [customername]

  4. Save AS

  5. Setup > Company > General Preferences > Custom Preferences

  6. FlowAP General Setup > open the record selected

  7. Take note of the value for XML FOLDER ID

  8. Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments

  9. Script = [STA] FlowAP MR Convert Edoc to Flow

  10. Edit the Deployment

  11. Parameters >
    E-DOCUMENTS XML FOLDER ID = *value in #7

  12. Save & Execute

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