The End user's guide to Transitioning from NetSuite's Inbound E-Document to FlowAP Document

The End user's guide to Transitioning from NetSuite's Inbound E-Document to FlowAP Document


Transitioning from NetSuite’s Inbound E-Document to FlowAP Document

What Is Changing

Introduction of the FlowAP Document

A new custom record called the FlowAP Document is introduced to replace NetSuite’s Inbound E-Document. The FlowAP Document holds the file received from the invoice scanning partner or from electronic invoice operators and the XML file that are parsed, validated and converted into a Vendor Bill or a Vendor Credit. By recording an audit trail, It allows for tracking of the conversion process of the document into a Vendor Bill or Vendor Credit transaction. It contains a direct link to the converted transaction.

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

The NetSuite inbound e-document custom record was used to manage and monitor the e-document as they underwent the conversion process.

The FlowAP Document custom record is used to manage and monitor the e-document as they undergo the conversion process.

Legacy INFlow did not support the manual upload of XML and PDF files for conversion.

FlowAP Conversion supports the manual upload of XML and PDF files by creating a new FlowAP document and attaching the XML and PDF file.

Legacy INFlow did not have a process for excluding an e-document from the conversion process.

The FlowAP Document has a close button that can be used to remove the e-document from the processing list. This is useful for transactions that was already created manually outside FlowAP conversion.

Unable to directly access the created AP transaction from the inbound e-document.

The FlowAP Document hyperlinks the created AP transaction for easy access.


Less precise audit trail.

More precise and comprehensive audit trail.

Only allows issue resolution through inbound-document fields.

FlowAP document now supports the following fields for issue resolution:

  • Subsidiary

  • Vendor

  • Transaction Date

  • Reference Number

  • PO/Bill Reference Number

  • JSON Data (With Audit Trail)

  • XML correction (With Audit Trail)

1. FlowAP Document.mp4
Accesing a FlowAP Document

Introduction of the FlowAP Dashboard Portlet

How to Use the FlowAP Documents Portlet

The FlowAP Dashboard portlet replaces the Electronic Documents portlet. It provides an overview of the FlowAP Documents with status and links to the transactions list. From the portlet, users can access the Flow Gateway Dashboard and the Document Conversion Report.

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

The NetSuite Electronic Documents portlet was used to monitor Inbound e-document statuses.

The FlowAP Documents portlet is used to monitor the FlowAP Document statuses.

The electronic documents portlet was shared between NetSuite Electronic Invoicing for both:

  • Outbound e-documents (sales e-invoices) processed by NetSuite Electronic Invoicing.

  • Inbound e-documents (purchase e-invoices) processed by INFlow.

The FlowAP Documents portlet is solely used to monitor inbound e-documents for processing by FlowAP.

Does not have access to the INFlow monitor.

Introduces the FlowAP Gateway monitor which is used to monitor incoming e-documents from FlowAP Gateway.

Does not have a preview of aging e-documents.

Shows an aging report of e-documents that are not converted.

3. FlowAP Dashboard Portlet.mp4
Navigating the FlowAP Dashboard Portlet

Improvement in Full Access Users' PDF File Preview

For Full Access users, Version 3.2.0 introduces an improved way to view the PDF file in a Split View to replace the floating PDF preview. This allows for an easier way to toggle between the document reference file and the NetSuite transaction.

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

Legacy INFlow

FlowAP Version 3.2.0

Legacy INFlow uses the outdated floating PDF preview for the full-access user interface.

FlowAP now has a PDF split view for the full-access user interface.


2. Full Split View.mp4
PDF File Preview


Introduction of the Flow Gateway Dashboard

A new custom page called the Flow Gateway Monitor replaces the Inflow Monitor to track the SFTP Server for incoming XML/PDF documents. It provides a list of the transaction document, status, transaction detail and error log in one page.

4. Flow Gateway Dashboard.mp4
Using the Flow Gateway Dashboard

What is Not Changing

The FlowAP Approval Process is Not Changing in this version

The overall approval process remains the same which encompasses the following:

  • validation of bills

  • 3-way matching feature

  • assignment of Approval Matrix

  • approving and rejecting transactions

  • overriding and retriggering approvals

  • changing next approvers

Moving Forward

End User Actions Comparison

Use Case

Legacy INFlow


Use Case

Legacy INFlow


How does a user find the status of e-documents?

The user uses the electronic documents portlet.

The user uses the FlowAP Documents Portlet.

How does a user review detailed information about an e-document for conversion?

The user reviews the details of the Inbound e-document record.

The user reviews the details of theFlowAP Document record.

How does a user resolve conversion issues for inbound e-documents? (Example: setting or replacing the vendor in the e-document)

  • View and Edit the Failed E-Inbound Document.

  • In the Vendor field, select the correct vendor

  • Hit Save.

  • Click the Convert button.

  • View and Edit the Failed FlowAP Document

  • In the Vendor field, select the correct vendor.

  • Change status to Incomplete.

  • Hit Save.

  • Click the Process button.

How does a user manually upload an inbound e-document?

Not Supported.

  • Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Processing Status > FlowAP Documents > Click New.

  • Assign a Name to the FlowAP Document.

  • In the XML file reference field, click the + button and attach file.

  • In the PDF file reference field, click the + button and attach file.

  • In the Status field, select Received.

  • Hit Save.

  • Hit the Process button.

Is the created transaction easily accessible from the e-document? (Example: Bill)

Via the Inbound E-document Record:

The inbound E-document does not have a direct link to the converted bill. The user needs to search for the Bill using the global search bar as an additional step.


Via the NetSuite User Interface

  • Navigate to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  • Click to View Bill Record.

  • Under the E-Document subtab, the Inbound E-Document field links back to the Inbound E-Document record.

Via the FlowAP Document

  • View a converted FlowAP Document.

  • The Converted Transaction field links to the Bill transaction created.



Via the NetSuite User Interface

  • Navigate to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  • Click to View Bill Record.

  • Under the FlowAP Subtab, the [STA] FlowAP Document field links back to the FlowAP Document.



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