Most Common Conversion Errors

Most Common Conversion Errors

Below you can find a list of most common conversion issues and possible solutions for them:

Error Description

Suggested Resolution

Vendor creation errors

"Check the integration role

·        Check that all needed permissions are provided

·        Check that the role is distributed to all subsidiaries"

When user/approver edits the transaction, the list of approvers gets cleared.

"DO NOT RESTRICT EMPLOYEE FIELDS" on the role record must be set to TRUE.

You have entered an invalid field value XY for the following fields: subsidiary

Vendor was fouund using Bank Account Number, but the XML subsidiary VAT is linked to a different subsidiary than the one on the vendor record. Resolution: Add subsidiary to vendor record

You must enter at least one line item for this transaction

Set default expense account on vendor INFlow preference

Approval isn't moving to the approved state

Subsidiary on the account setup is not distributed to the subsidiary on the vendor bill

Record has been changed during conversion

Refactor UE matching script. Error is during sublist operations for expense (or bills)

Error Details: You cannot initialize vendorbill: invalid reference XXXXXX

Linked PO cannot be billed yet (usually needs to be receved first)

Duplicate XML file reference fields

The script [STA] E-Document Inbound UE is not deployed to all roles.

Bill gets linked to vendor's primary subsidiary and not the subsidiary on the inbound XML/PDF

There are duplicated INFlow fields in subsidiary record (Company EDI)

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