Transaction View Advanced Form Configuration
[STA] INFlow Portal Form Configuration
Field Name | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | isinactive | Check this box to remove this record from the INFlow [STA] Preference INFLOW PORTAL TRANSACTION VIEW FORM CONFIGURATION field. |
Name | name | Enter a name for the form. |
Record Type | custrecord_inf_portal_config_rec_type | Select the record type that will use this form. |
Enable Edit | custrecord_inf_portal_config_enbl_edit | Check this box if you want users to be able to make any changes on transactions pending for approval. |
Enable Approve and Edit | custrecord_inf_portal_config_enbl_aprvnx | Enable Approve and Next button on INFlow Portal Transaction View page. This button will allow approve the transaction and immediately move to the next pending transaction in the list. |
Enable Expense Line Splitting | custrecord_inf_portal_config_enbl_split | Enable Expense Line Splitting box on INFlow Portal Transaction View page. This button will allow users to use the line splitting feature. |
Show Amortization Schedule | custrecord_inf_portal_config_enbl_amort | Enables the INFlow portal user to view the Amortization schedule details of each transaction line. Once this is enabled, a āviewā button will be available in view mode for each line. |
JSON Portal Tabs | custrecord_inf_portal_config_json_tab | Hidden field that stores JSON data |
JSON Sublist Fields | custrecord_inf_portal_config_json_sublis | Hidden field that stores JSON data |
JSON Portal Body Fields | custrecord_inf_portal_config_json_body | Hidden field that stores JSON data |
JSON Portal Field Groups | custrecord_inf_portal_config_json_fldgrp | Hidden field that stores JSON data |
[STA] INFlow Portal Tab
Field Name | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | isinactive | Check this box to remove this form component from the INFlow portal transaction view form without deleting the record. |
Form Configuration | custrecord_inf_portal_form_rec | Ā |
Tab ID | custrecord_inf_portal_tab_id | Ā |
Label | name | Ā |
Sequence | custrecord_inf_portal_tab_sequence | Defines the display order of the tab. The lowest number is the left most display order. If no sequence is filled out then the internal ID of the record will determine the display order. In cases where the sequence is filled out for some records, the records with a sequence will be displayed first followed by records without a sequence. |
[STA] INFlow Portal Field Groups
Field Name | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | isinactive | Check this box to remove this form component from the INFlow portal transaction view form without deleting the record. |
Label | name | Ā |
Form Configuration | custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_form_rec | Ā |
Field Group ID | custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_id | Ā |
Tab | custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_tab | Ā |
Sequence | custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_sequence | Defines the display order of the field group. The lowest number is the left most display order. If no sequence is filled out then the internal ID of the record will determine the display order. In cases where the sequence is filled out for some records, the records with a sequence will be displayed first followed by records without a sequence. |
[STA] INFlow Portal Sublists
Field Name | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | isinactive | Check this box to remove this form component from the INFlow portal transaction view form without deleting the record. |
Label | name | Ā |
Form Configuration | custrecord_inf_portal_sublist_form_rec | Ā |
Sublist ID | custrecord_inf_portal_sublist_id | The sublist ID needs to be the same as the internal ID of the sublist in NetSuiteās user interface. |
Tab | custpage_custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_tab | Select the display tab of the field. |
[STA] INFlow Portal Body Field
Field Name | Field Group | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | Ā | isinactive | Check this box to remove this form component from the INFlow portal transaction view form without deleting the record. |
Label | Primary Settings | name | Ā |
Form Configuration | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_form_rec | Ā |
Sequence | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_sequence | Defines the display order of the header field. The lowest number is the left most display order. If no sequence is filled out then the internal ID of the record will determine the display order. In cases where the sequence is filled out for some records, the records with a sequence will be displayed first followed by records without a sequence. |
Body Field ID | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_id | The Body Field ID needs to be the same as the internal ID of the NetSuite Transaction field. |
Is Mandatory | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_mandatory | Check this box if this field is mandatory. |
Display Type | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_dis_type | Select the field display type: DISABLED SuiteAnswers Article: Display type |
Display Size Width | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_width | Set the display size width. This applies to the field entry box on edit mode |
Display Size Height | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_height | Set the display size height. This applies to the field entry box on edit mode |
Break Type | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_break_type | Select the break type: NONE This replicates the column break functionality in NS. Ā SuiteAnswers Article: Break type |
Layout Type | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_layout_type | Select the layout type: STARTROW SuiteAnswers Article: Layout type |
Help Text | Other Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_header_help_text | Type the help text that displays when the user clicks on the field name. If help texts are not defined, the default text is:
Tab | Container Settings | custpage_custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_tab | Select the display tab of the field. |
Field Group | Container Settings | custpage_custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_fld_grp | Select the display field group. |
[STA] INFlow Portal Line Field
Field Name | Field Group | Field ID | Description |
Inactive | Primary Settings | isinactive | Check this box to remove this form component from the INFlow portal transaction view form without deleting the record. |
Label | Primary Settings | name | Ā |
Form Configuration | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_line_form_rec | Ā |
Sequence | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_line_sequence | Defines the display order of the sublist field. The lowest number is the left most display order. If no sequence is filled out then the internal ID of the record will determine the display order. In cases where the sequence is filled out for some records, the records with a sequence will be displayed first followed by records without a sequence. |
Sublist Field ID | Primary Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_line_id | Ā |
Is Mandatory | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_line_mandatory | Check this box if this field is mandatory. |
Display Type | Display Settings | custrecord_inf_portal_line_dis_type | Select the field display type: DISABLED SuiteAnswers Article: Display type |
Sublist | Primary Settings | custpage_custrecord_inf_portal_fld_grp_sublist | Select the display sublist of the field. |