

Release date: Dec 19, 2023

This update focuses on hotfixes for JPK_V7, encompassing the following enhancements:

  • DokumentZakupu: We've improved the mapping functionality, ensuring DokumentZakupu values are displayed correctly. This update rectifies the previous issue of the first row's data being erroneously replicated in subsequent rows.

  • DataZaplaty and TerminPlatnosci: DataZaplaty and TerminPlatnosci are now properly displayed as columns in Excel, enhancing data visibility.

  • Output Tax Procedure Codes: This release addresses and resolves the replication of the first-row value across subsequent rows in Output Tax Procedure Codes, ensuring data integrity.

  • K_46 and K_47 Mapping: Transactions requiring K_46 and K_47 data previously displayed no values. This has been corrected in this release to ensure complete and accurate data representation.

  • General Data Accuracy Improvement: We have also made comprehensive improvements to ensure all other positions display accurate values, reinforcing reliable reporting.

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