FlowAP Gateway > How to send missing PDF to NetSuite

FlowAP Gateway > How to send missing PDF to NetSuite

There would be times where the PDF will not make it’s way into the Customer’s NS account, most common occurrence of this is


  1. Take note of the FlowAP Document name where the PDF is missing

  2. Go to https://inflow.staria.fi/admin/

  3. Click on Trans docs


  4. On the Search bar, enter the name of the FlowAP Document in #1


  5. Check the Status and File Name, depending on the these please proceed with the below steps:

Status = Large PDF File

  1. Go to https://inflow.staria.fi/

  2. Open the Folder for the affected customer

  3. Take note of the Username and Password


  4. Open FileZilla to access the SFTP Folder
    *if you don’t have it on your computer, you can download it from here

  5. Set the following values:
    Host = sftp://inflow.staria.fi
    Username = *from #4
    Password = *from #4, click on the View password button to show the password

  6. Click Quickconnect


  7. Double-click on the to_be_processed Folder

  8. Right-click on the affected file and click on Download



  9. Go to the Customer’s NS account and Edit the corresponding FlowAP Document

  10. PDF File Reference > *click on the + sign and select the file in #8



  11. Save

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