Electronic Invoicing Update > Inbound E-document errors

Electronic Invoicing Update > Inbound E-document errors

Do not deploy the Netsuite electronic Inbound E-Document UE script. This was set to deployed by the latest update of the Electronic Invoicing bundle.

Script name: E-Document Inbound UE
Script ID: {customdeploy_edoc_ue_inbound}


Failure to do so will lead to the below error when opening an Inbound E-document record:


Alternative Solution

After un-deploying the E-Document Inbound UE script, you will encounter an unexpected error pop-up when editing the Inbound E-document record:


At this point, we have no way of resolving this unless they transition over to FlowAP Conversion. See below how to handle this:


Alternative Solution

Vendor is blank on the Inbound E-document record


Click “OK” when the unexpected error is encountered. This will close the pop-up message. The user can proceed to edit and save the inbound e-document with no issues.

Vendor is populated on the Inbound E-document record.

  1. Edit Inbound E-document record.

  2. Remove the selected vendor.

  3. Select the vendor.

  4. Edit any other field (i.e.: Reference number in NetSuite, PO number in NetSuite, Date in NetSuite).

  5. Click save.

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