Check Staria Customer's Scanning Partner


This guide pertains to the verification of scanning partners. Its primary aim is to reduce the time spent on inquiring about the scanning partner when an incorrect inbound e-document is received. While the examples provided will be related to Management Events, it is important to note that this approach is applicable to other customers as well. This is for internal use only.


  1. Go to Online Invoice Address Book. (Note: Make sure to translate the page into English)

  2. Enter the customer's name into the search field, like the sample below. Click on the search result that corresponds to the customer you are re looking for.

  3. Since Reception is the scanning partner for Inbound e-Documents (Transmission is for outbound), scroll down or navigate to the section related to "Reception."

  4. Find the value under "Appellant" and click on it.

  5. You will now see the details of the scanning partner. Within the scanning partner's details, locate and note down the Phone and Email address.

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