There would be times where the PDF will not make it’s way into the Customer’s NS account, most common occurrence of this is
Emoji :blue_book: Instructions
Take note of the FlowAP Document name where the PDF is missing
Click on Trans docs
On the Search bar, enter the name of the FlowAP Document in #1
Check the Status and File Name, depending on the these please proceed with the below steps:
Status = Large PDF File
Open the Folder for the affected customer
Take note of the Username and Password
Open FileZilla to access the SFTP Folder
*if you don’t have it on your computer, you can download it from hereSet the following values:
Host = s
Username = *from #4
Password = *from #4, click on the View password button to show the passwordClick Quickconnect
Double-click on the to_be_processed Folder
Right-click on the affected file and click on Download
Go to the Customer’s NS account and Edit the corresponding FlowAP Document
PDF File Reference > *click on the + sign and select the file in #8
Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.