Vendor related configuration for FlowAP conversion: A Detailed Guide
Vendor Lookup Criteria
The vendor lookup criteria are used to determine which NetSuite vendor record needs to be assigned to the transaction that will be created through FlowAP e-document conversion.
Navigating to the setup
Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Configuration > Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup
View the record related to your subsidiary.
Navigate to the Conversion subtab.
Find the FlowAP Template field and click the hyperlink.
View and Edit the FlowAP Template.
Find the Vendor Lookup Criteria.
You must not edit the Default FlowAP Template.
Any changes made to the default template will be overridden during new version releases of FlowAP.
To use a customized version of the FlowAP template, save a copy of the Default FlowAP Template.
Apply your own lookup criteria and XML mapping to the new FlowAP Template; and assign it to the relevant Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup.
Understanding the Vendor Lookup Criteria
The lookup criteria follows the JSON array syntax.
The complete tax code lookup table is surrounded by brackets
Example: [JSON ARRAY].
Each element in the lookup table is surrounded by curly braces and is separated by a comma.
Example: [{ELEMENT1}, {ELEMENT2}, {ELEMENT3}]
Each element of the lookup table contains four (3) parameters.
xpath - XML element which will be the source of the vendor information used for the lookup ("//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID[@schemeID=\"VAT\"]").
nsfield - This is the NetSuite vendor record field that will be used to compare the text from the XML element to find the vendor record in NetSuite.
regexp - A regular expression, often referred to as a "regex" or "regexp," is a powerful and concise way to represent patterns in text data. It is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. Characters that match the search pattern will be retained and unmatched characters will be removed.
operator - This can be set as either:
Contains - This operator typically checks if a value is present within another value string.
Equal - This operator typically checks if two values are exactly the same (==).
Lookup Results
Invalid vendor records are not returned by the lookup
inactive = T
The lookup will perform the search for each vendor lookup array element until a vendor is found. The maximum lookup criteria is 7 elements.
The search will start from the first element in the array and will stop once a vendor is found.
If a vendor is found, the following information will be set on the JSON data:
Default Vendor Lookup Criteria
"xpath": "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID[@schemeID=\"VAT\"]",
"nsfield": "vatregnumber",
"regexp": "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
"xpath": "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID[@schemeID=\"GLN\"]",
"nsfield": "vatregnumber",
"regexp": "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"
"xpath": "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cbc:EndpointID",
"nsfield": "custentity_sta_flowap_endpointid"
"xpath": "//cac:PaymentMeans/cac:PayeeFinancialAccount/cbc:ID[../../cbc:PaymentChannelCode/text()=\"IBAN\"]",
"nsfield": "custrecord_2663_parent_vendor.custrecord_2663_entity_iban"
"xpath": "//cac:PaymentMeans/cac:PayeeFinancialAccount/cbc:ID[../../cbc:PaymentChannelCode/text()=\"BBAN\"]",
"nsfield": "custrecord_2663_parent_vendor.custrecord_2663_entity_bban"
"xpath": "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyLegalEntity/cbc:RegistrationName",
"nsfield": "legalname"
"xpath": "//cac:AccountingSupplierParty/cac:Party/cac:PartyName/cbc:Name",
"nsfield": "entityid"
Auto-Create Vendor
This feature lets FlowAP create a new vendor in the system if one is not found during the conversion’s vendor lookup.
Navigating to the setup
Enable Auto-Created Vendor
Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Configuration > Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup
View the record related to your subsidiary.
Navigate to the Conversion subtab > Vendor Field Group.
Find the Auto Created Vendor checkbox.
Vendor Mapping Template
Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Configuration > Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup
View the record related to your subsidiary.
Navigate to the Conversion subtab.
Find the FlowAP Template field and click the hyperlink.
View and Edit the FlowAP Template.
Navigate to the Mapping Templates field group.
Find the vendor mapping field.
Each element in the vendor mapping is surrounded by curly braces and is separated by a comma. Each element represents one field being mapped from the XML to a NetSuite field.
Example: [{ELEMENT1}, {ELEMENT2}, {ELEMENT3}]
Each element of the mapping JSON array contains two (2) parameters.
[NetSuite Field ID] - This is the vendor field in NetSuite.
xpath - This is the location of the XML element that contains the data to be saved in the target NetSuite field.
Default Vendor Mapping Template
"companyname": {
"xpath": [
"currency": {
"xpath": [
"vatregnumber": {
"xpath": [
"terms": {
"xpath": [
"taxidnum": {
"xpath": [
"custentity_sta_einv_businessid": {
"xpath": [
"custentity_sta_flowap_endpointid": {
"xpath": [
"country": {
"xpath": [
"addr1": {
"xpath": [
"addr2": {
"xpath": [
"city": {
"xpath": [
"zip": {
"xpath": [
"custentity_sta_einv_networkid": {
"xpath": [
"entityid": {
"xpath": [
"phone": {
"xpath": [
"email": {
"xpath": [
Enabled Cross-Subsidiary Vendor
This feature includes selected subsidiaries to be included in the vendor lookup.
Navigating to the setup
Enable Cross-Subsidiary Vendor
Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Configuration > Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup
View the record related to your subsidiary.
Navigate to the Conversion subtab > Vendor Field Group.
Find the Enable Cross-subsidiary vendor multi-select field.
Select one or more subsidiaries that will be included in the lookup.
Save the Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup.
Understanding the Enabled Cross-Subsidiary Vendor Feature
If no subsidiary is selected, the vendor lookup will only be executed for the subsidiary of the transaction.
If one or more subsidiary is selected, the vendor lookup will be executed for each selected subsidiary.
If the vendor exists in one or more of the selected subsidiaries AND the vendor exists in the subsidiary of the transaction then that vendor will be assigned to the transaction.
If the vendor exists in one or more of the selected subsidiaries AND the vendor does not exist in the subsidiary of the transaction then the subsidiary of the transaction will be added the the vendor’s subsidiary list. The vendor will then be successfully assigned to the transaction.
If the vendor does not exist in any of the selected subsidiaries then:
If the auto-create vendor feature is turned on then a new vendor will be created under the subsidiary of the transaction.
If the auto-create vendor feature is turned off then the e-document conversion will fail and an audit trail will be recorded informing the user that a vendor was not found.
Vendor Specific Preferences
This feature allows the user to replace subsidiary-specific settings with settings specific to a particular vendor.
Navigating to the setup
Enable Vendor-Specific Preferences Feature
Navigate to FlowAP > FlowAP Configuration > Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup
View the record related to your subsidiary.
Navigate to the Conversion subtab > Vendor Field Group.
Find the vendor-specific preferences field.
Select a vendor type saved search.
Save the Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup.
Setting up the vendor-saved search for the Vendor-Specific Preferences Feature
Create a new vendor-saved search.
Add the criteria to limit the results of the search. Only include vendors that belong to the subsidiary you are setting up.
Add the vendor preferences in the result column. The replacement of the subsidiary settings will only take place for preferences included in the search results column.
Saved search Criteria subtab > “Use Expression” = T is not supported.
Example use case:
All the vendors for subsidiary XYZ need to have departments assigned to them. Default departments will be defined in the vendor record and used during conversion.
Setup a vendor saved search with the following:
Criteria: Subsidiary = XYZ
Results Column: [STA] Default Department
Understanding the Vendor-Specific Preferences Feature
The feature uses a saved search to identify vendors that will have vendor-specific preferences.
If a vendor is included in the saved search, it means that you want to use the vendor-specific preferences found in the vendor record instead of the subsidiary setup.
The replacement of subsidiary-specific settings with settings specific to a particular vendor will only be executed for settings included in the result columns.
List of vendor-specific preferences
The Vendor Preference: Default Bill Location is not supported/considered during conversion for accounts where Multi-Location Inventory feature is disabled.