How to customize the memo field value of expense lines created by FlowAP conversion for unidentified items

How to customize the memo field value of expense lines created by FlowAP conversion for unidentified items

 Understand the value mapped to the expense line: memo for unidentified items

The memo field of the expense line will have the value.

<taxpercent> | <vendorcode> - <itemname>

 Update the Customize the FlowAP template assigned to the subsidiary.

  1. Navigate to the global search bar and search for “page: Staria Flowap template”.

  2. View the Default FlowAP Template.

  3. Hover to actions and click Make Copy.

  4. Enter a new name.

  5. The default mapping for the following fields is as follows:

    [ "taxpercent": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory/cbc:Percent", "/cac:TaxTotal/cac:TaxSubtotal/cac:TaxCategory/cbc:Percent"] }, "vendorcode": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cac:SellersItemIdentification/cbc:ID"] }, "itemname": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cbc:Name"] } ]

    The value of the memo field can be modified by changing the mapping of each of the concatenated values for taxpercent,vendorcode and itemname.

    Example use case:

    The user wants the item name to be either the Name/ID or the Description in the XML. Replace the XPath assigned to itemname. Search for “itemname” in the transaction mapping field. Replace the content of the XPath with "./cac:Item/cbc:Name", "./cac:Item/cbc:Description".

    "itemname": { "xpath" : ["./cac:Item/cbc:Name", "./cac:Item/cbc:Description"] }
  6. Click Save.

  7. Navigate to the global search bar and search for “page: Staria FlowAP Subsidiary Setup”.

  8. Click Edit for the subsidiary setup of the subsidiary.

  9. Select your newly FlowAP template in the FlowAP Template field.

  10. Click Save.


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