Company Setup and Segments

Company Setup and Segments

Company Information Setup

Note: The following information will be specified by the client.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Company Information.

  2. Update Company Business ID (ID: {custrecord_sta_einvoicing_payee_busin_id}).

  3. Update Vat Registration No.

  4. Click Save.

The field name for Vat Registration No may be different depending on country. (ie, for US it is EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN)).

Subsidiary Setup


The XML used for vendor bill conversion uses the VAT Registration No. Of the subsidiary as the identifier to select the subsidiary of the vendor bill.

Make sure there are no duplicate subsidiary records with identical TAX ID (federalidnumber)

The internal for federalidnumber may be different depending on country. (ie, for US it is employerid). But when you go to the Subsidiary view of the parent company, the internal id reverts back to federalidnumber. 


  1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Subsidiary.

  2. Update Company Business ID (ID: {custrecord_sta_einvoicing_payee_busin_id}).

  3. Update Vat Registration No.

  4. Click Save.


  • Nexus using Tax Groups is not supported.

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