On-Demand Vendor Whitelist Validation

On-Demand Vendor Whitelist Validation

Table of Contents

On-Demand Whitelisting via Vendor Record

To whitelist a vendor on demand :

  1. Open a vendor record in VIEW mode.

  2. Click the Whitelist Check button.

Example Vendor with Whitelist Check Button
  1. A confirmation prompt will be displayed. Click OK to proceed with the whitelist check.

Confirmation Prompt
  1. The result of the whitelisting will be displayed in a banner message. All relevant information will be updated on the Poland Localization tab. Lastly, all Vendor Bank Account records will be created/updated with their latest status.


Whitelisting Banner Message
Updated Vendor Information

Important: Updating the Vendor Tax ID of the vendor record will set the Vendor Whitelisting Status to blank.

On-Demand Whitelisting via Transactions (Purchase Order, Vendor Bill, Vendor Credit)

  1. Open the transaction in VIEW mode.

Note: The transaction must have a value for the Vendor Bank Account field in order to proceed. If the field is blank, a banner message containing an error is displayed.

  1. Click the Bank Whitelist button.

Example Transaction
  1. A confirmation prompt will be displayed. Click OK to proceed with the whitelist check.

Confirmation Prompt
  1. The result of the whitelisting will be displayed in a banner message. All relevant information will be updated in the vendor and vendor bank account records.

Note: If the Hold Payment When the Bank Account is Invalid is enabled on the Poland Localization Settings, payment hold is set for all transactions with bank numbers that have an invalid result from the whitelisting.



An error message is logged for each Vendor Bank Account Record. Administrators may view this error and make the necessary changes before running the whitelisting again.

Each Vendor Bank Account record corresponds to ONE Bank Account Number. Each Bank Account Number can only be associated with EXACTLY ONE VENDOR. Due to this, there would be instances where a vendor bank account is not created for a vendor if it’s already created in the system and associated with another vendor. Common use cases would include the following:

  • The same NIP was used for two or more different vendors.

    • In this case, the first vendor whitelisted will include all of the vendor bank account records sourced from the official VAT database. All others will not see these records.

  • The bank account number was mistakenly created or imported for a different vendor.

    • In this case, the bank account number will proceed with the whitelisting. This would succeed, provided that the NIP of the Vendor Bank Account record is correct. Otherwise, it would be tagged as Not Registered.

Both cases can be remedied manually by associating the Vendor Bank Account record with their appropriate Vendor record.

  • To fix this:

    • Locate the missing bank account number by:

      • Using the global search, type the bank account number and click on the resulting Vendor Bank Account record.

      • Or, using the global search, open the saved search named Lista kont bankowych dostawców. Using this search, look for the bank account number using the filters and click VIEW.

      • Click Edit to make changes.

      • Confirm if the bank account number and NIP values are correct.

      • Change the Vendor field value to the correct Vendor record.

      • Click Save.



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