Creating Correction Invoices
Table of Contents
The following corrections are supported:
Increase/Decrease in item quantity
Increase/Decrease in item price/amount
Change in Tax Code
Note: You cannot apply standalone credit memos to an invoice. Standalone credit memos can only be applied during payment to reduce the actual payment against the invoice, not the total amount. You must follow the established correction process to reduce the invoice amount. It's important to note, however, that these can be overridden depending on the accounting preference for “Apply payments without invoice numbers preference”. For more information about this preference, refer to SuiteAnswers Answer ID: 101027, titled “Setting Accounting Preferences”.
Note on approval processes: Any transactions generated by this feature are subject to the approval process currently in place in your system. If this is not the desired outcome, please contact your implementation or support team for further assistance in modifying your current approval process.
Correcting A Transaction From The Correct Invoices Page
Navigate to Transactions > Correction Invoice > Correct Invoices.
Alternatively, you may navigate to Customers > Correction Invoice > Correct Invoices.
You will be redirected to the Correct Invoices page.
Select the APPROVED transaction you wish to correct.
Click Search.
The system will refresh the page and display the Correct Invoices page with transaction details. The transaction details shown will always reflect the latest values for the line. If previous corrections were performed on the line, the details shown will include them.
Enter the appropriate Correction Date. The value of this field becomes the date of the correction transaction.
Review all lines associated with the invoice and mark all lines you wish to correct with a check under the Select column.
Click Submit.
A new page is opened showing all lines previously selected with new columns available:
New Quantity
New Inventory Detail
New Price
New Amount
New Tax Code
New Tax Rate
New Tax Amount
Enter the FINAL AND CORRECTED VALUE under each of the new columns.
Optionally, enter the value for the following fields:
Receiving Person - Enter the name of the person authorized to receive the invoice from the customer’s side.
Reason for Correction - Enter the reason why the invoice needs correction.
Comments - Enter any additional comments or information related to the corrected invoice.
Click Create Correction.
The system will create the correction transaction for you in the background and redirect you to the new transaction upon completion.
Click the Print button to see the invoice printout.
Note: Editing and saving the correction transaction triggers an update to the JSON file referenced by the Advanced PDF Template. You may make adjustments to the transaction before printing the correction invoice to ensure that all details are correct before sending it to your customers.
Correcting A Transaction From An Invoice/Credit Memo
Open the APPROVED invoice or credit memo you wish to correct in VIEW mode.
Click Correct Invoice.
You will be redirected to the Correct Invoices page, where transaction details are defaulted. The transaction details shown will always reflect the latest values for the line. If previous corrections were performed on the line, the details shown will include them.
Enter the appropriate Correction Date. The value of this field becomes the date of the correction transaction.
Review all lines associated with the invoice and mark all lines you wish to correct with a check under the Select column.
Click Submit.
A new page is opened showing all lines previously selected with new columns available:
New Quantity
New Inventory Detail
New Price
New Amount
New Tax Code
New Tax Rate
New Tax Amount
Enter the FINAL AND CORRECTED VALUE under each of the new columns.
Optionally, enter the value for the following fields:
Receiving Person - Enter the name of the person authorized to receive the invoice from the customer’s side.
Reason for Correction - Enter the reason why the invoice needs correction.
Comments - Enter any additional comments or information related to the corrected invoice.
Click Create Correction.
The system will create the correction transaction for you in the background and redirect you to the new transaction upon completion.
Click the Print button to see the invoice printout.
Viewing Correction Invoices
All correction transactions are linked to the originating invoice or credit memo. They are displayed as a sequential list in the originating invoice or credit memo for easy access and review.
To view the sequence of correction:
Open an existing invoice or correction transaction (invoice or credit memo)
Go to the Staria Poland Localization tab and open the Correction Transactions sublist.
To view a list of all correction invoices in the system:
Navigate to Transactions > Correction Invoice > Correction Invoices.
You may click VIEW beside the correction invoice you wish to review.
Example Correction Invoice
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