Real-time Invoice Data Mapping
Supplier Info
supplierName | Invoice Supplier name | Subsidiary : Legal Name | Yes |
supplierTaxNumber | The domestic tax number under which the sale of the product or provision of service was carried out. It can also be a group ID. | STA HU LOCALIZATION SETTINGS : Supplier Tax Number | Yes |
taxpayerid | The taxpayer’s tax registration number. The group ID for group VAT taxpayers | The first 8 digit of supplierTaxNumber. |
vatCode | VAT code indicating taxation status Single digit | The first 9th digit of supplierTaxNumber. |
countyCode | County code, two digits | The 10th and 11th digit of supplierTaxNumber. |
groupMemberTaxNumber | The group member’s tax number, if the sale of the product or provision of service was carried out using a group ID. | STA HU LOCALIZATION SETTINGS : Supplier Group Member Tax Number |
taxpayerid | The taxpayer’s tax registration number. The group ID for group VAT taxpayers | The first 8 digit of groupMemberTaxNumber. |
vatCode | VAT code indicating taxation status Single digit | The 9th digit of groupMemberTaxNumber. |
countyCode | County code, two digits | The 10th and 11th digit of groupMemberTaxNumber. |
communityVatNumber | The EU VAT number | STA HU LOCALIZATION SETTINGS : Supplier Community Vat Number |
supplierName | Name of seller (supplier) | Subsidiary: Legal Name | Yes |
supplierAddress | Address of seller (supplier) | Subsidiary: Address | Yes |
simpleAddress |
| N/A |
countryCode | Country code as per the ISO 3166 alpha-2 standard | Subsidiary: Address: Country Code | Yes |
region | Province code (if applicable to the specified country) as per the ISO 3166-2 alpha 2 standard. | Subsidiary: Address: State |
postalCode | Postal code (the value shall be set to 0000 if not applicable) | Subsidiary: Address: ZIP | Yes |
city | Settlement | Subsidiary: Address: City | Yes |
additionalAddressDetail | Further address data (including the name and type of public space, street number, floor, door number, land register reference etc.) | Subsidiary: Address: Address1 Address2 Address3 | Yes |
individualExemption | The value is “true” if the invoice issuer (seller) has individual VAT exempt status | STA HU LOCALIZATION SETTINGS : SUBSIDIARY HAS INDIVIDUAL EXEMPT STATUS |
exciseLicenceNum | The seller’s tax warehouse/excise authorisation (as per Act LXVIII of 2016) | STA HU LOCALIZATION SETTINGS : EXCISE LICENSE NUMBER |
Customer Info
customerVatStatus | Indicate the VAT status of the customer | Customer: [STA] HU CUSTOMER VAT STATUS | Yes |
customerTaxNumber | The tax number under which the invoiced procurement of the product or use of service was carried out. It can also be a group ID | Customer : [STA] HU CUSTOMER TAX NUMBER | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
customerTaxNumber/ groupMemberTaxNumber | Customer’s VAT group identifier | Customer : [STA] [STA] HU CUSTOMER GROUP TAX NUMBER |
taxpayerId | The taxpayer’s tax registration number. The group ID for group VAT taxpayers | The first 8 digit of Customer Tax Number. |
vatCode | VAT code indicating taxation status Single digit | The first 9th digit of Customer Tax Number. |
countyCode | County code, two digits | The 10th and 11th digit of Customer Tax Number. |
communityVatNumber | EU VAT number | Customer : [STA] HU COMMUNITY VAT NUMBER |
thirdStateTaxId | Tax number of third country | Customer : [STA] HU THIRD STATE TAX ID |
taxpayerId | The taxpayer’s tax registration number. The group ID for group VAT taxpayers | The first 8 digit of Customer Group Member Taxpayer ID. |
vatCode | VAT code indicating taxation status Single digit | The first 9th digit of Customer Group Member Taxpayer ID. |
countyCode | County code, two digits | The 10th and 11th digit of Customer Group Member Taxpayer ID. |
customerName | Customer’s name | Customer : Company Name | Yes |
customerAddress | Customer’s address | Customer : Primary Billing Address | Yes |
simpleAddress |
| N/A |
countryCode | Country code as per the ISO 3166 alpha-2 standard | Billing Address: Country Code | Yes |
region | Province code (if applicable to the specified country) as per the ISO 3166-2 alpha 2 standard. | Billing Address: State |
postalCode | Postal code (the value shall be set to 0000 if not applicable) | Billing Address: ZIP | Yes |
city | Settlement | Billing Address: City | Yes |
additionalAddressDetail | Further address data (including the name and type of public space, street number, floor, door number, land register reference etc.) | Billing Address: Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 | Yes |
customerBankAccountNumber | Customer’s bank account number | Customer : [STA] HU CUSTOMER BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER |
Note: Detailed address currently not supported.
Invoice Data Mapping
The following fields are available for these transaction types:
Credit Memo
Cash Sale
Cash Refund
invoiceNumber | Serial number of the invoice or modifying document – as per Section 169 b) or 170 (1) b) of the VAT Act | Document Number (default) | Yes |
invoiceCategory | Invoice type; in case of deed of modification the type of the original invoice | [STA] HU RTID INVOICE CATEGORY | Yes |
invoiceIssueDate | Issue date of the invoice – as per Section 169. a) of the VAT Act | Transaction Date | Yes |
invoiceDeliveryDate | Delivery date (identical with the issue date of the invoice if no delivery date is specified in the invoice) – as per Section 169 g) of the VAT Act | [STA] HU VAT DELIVERY DATE | Yes |
currencyCode | Invoice currency, as per the ISO 4217 standard | Currency Symbol | Yes |
exchangeRate | Exchange rate for currencies other than HUF: unit price in HUF | Exchange Rate | Yes |
paymentDate | Deadline for payment | Due Date |
paymentMethod | Payment method | [STA] HU RTID METHOD OF PAYMENT |
invoiceAppearance | Appearance type of the invoice or modification document | [STA] HU RTID INVOICE APPEARANCE | Yes |
Invoice Line Data Mapping
lineNumber | Line item number | Line | Yes |
lineModificationReference | Indicating the item line level modifications for a modified invoice | N/A |
lineNumberReference | The item number of the modified original invoice (lineNumber). The new item number when creating a new line item, continuing the original invoice | [STA] HU RTID LINE NUMBER REFERENCE |
lineOperation | Modification type of the invoice item | [STA] HU RTID MODIFICATION TYPE | Yes |
lineExpressionIndicator | It is set to “true” if the quantity unit of the item can be expressed as a natural unit of measurement. | **Not visible on the form Always Defaulted to: False | Yes |
lineDescription | Name of product or service | Description | Yes |
quantity | Quantity | Quantity | Yes, if relevant |
unitOfMeasure | Quantity unit | **Not visible on the form Always Defaulted to: OWN | Yes, if relevant |
unitOfMeasureOwn | Own quantity unit | Units | Yes, if relevant |
unitPrice | Unit price in the currency of the invoice Gross unit price for a simplified invoice, otherwise the net unit price | Rate | Yes, if relevant |
lineAmountsNormal |
| Yes |
lineNetAmountData |
lineNetAmount | Net price of the item in the currency of the invoice | FX Amount | Yes |
lineNetAmountHUF | Item net total in HUF | Amount | Yes |
lineVatRate | Indicates tax rate or tax exemption |
vatPercentage | Applied VAT rate - Section 169 j) of the VAT Ac | Tax Rate | Yes |
VatRateType type elements: vatExemption vatOutOfScope vatDomesticReverseCharge marginSchemeIndicator vatAmountMismatch noVatCharge
| This type can be used to indicate the VAT rate of an item in the invoice or for summary invoices (invoiceSummary), or to indicate that the item does not include VAT, for whatever reason. The National Tax and Customs Administration The NAV Online Invoice System 125 VatRateType type elements may contain exactly one of the following eight elements, in the order shown. | [STA] HU VAT RATE TYPE | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
vatExemption/case | Code indicating tax exemption | [STA] HU VAT RATE CASE | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
vatOutOfScope/case | Code indicating exemption from the scope of the VAT Act | [STA] HU VAT RATE CASE | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
vatAmountMismatch/case | Code for the difference between the tax base and the charged tax | [STA] HU VAT RATE CASE | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
marginSchemeIndicator | TRAVEL_AGEN CY SECOND_HAND ARTWORK ANTIQUES | [STA] HU VAT RATE CASE | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
vatExemption/reason | Reasoning for tax exemption | [STA] HU VAT RATE REASON | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
vatOutOfScope/reason | Reasoning for exemption from the scope of the VAT Act | [STA] HU VAT RATE REASON | Yes (Under certain conditions) |
lineVATData |
lineVatAmount | VAT content of the item in the currency of the invoice | Tax Amount |
lineVatAmountHUF | VAT total of the item in HUF | Tax Amount |
lineGrossAmountData |
lineGrossAmountNormal | The gross value of the item in the currency of the invoice | Gross Amount |
lineGrossAmountNormalHUF |
| Gross Amount |
advanceIndicator | This element is used to identify that the invoice line is referring to an advanced payment. | [STA-HU] ADVANCE INDICATOR | Yes, If relevant |
advanceOriginalInvoice | This element is used to identify which advanced payment invoice is linked to the final payment invoice being submitted. | [STA-HU] ADVANCE PAYMENT INVOICE | Yes, If relevant |
advancePaymentDate | This element is used to identify the payment date of the advanced payment invoice. | [STA-HU] ADVANCE ORIGINAL INVOICE[STA-HU] ADVANCE PAYMENT DATE | Yes, If relevant |
advanceExchangeRate | This element is used to identify the exchange rate used by the advanced payment invoice. | [STA-HU] ADVANCE EXCHANGE RATE | Yes, If relevant |