


Purchase Order Approval Matrix

Bug Fix


  • A bug causing transactions to get stuck on the current approval level when users encounter the “Record has been changed” error during transaction approval has been fixed.

    • Consecutive clicks of the Approve button is now prevented with a native javascript alert box.

    • The user is now notified if some or all of the transactions they selected in the AP Approval list view was already submitted.

      some of the selected transactions are already in queue for approval
      all selected transactions are already in queue for approval


  • A bug causing the incorrect approval matrix to be assigned to a purchase order pending approval has been fixed. This bug affected US (United States) subsidiaries that are using the FlowAP purchase order approval because the Subtotal field from the Purchase Order record is used to compare against the Amount From field of the [STA] Approval Matrix record search. The subtotal field is not found on Subsidiaries where Nexus is set to US. Total field of the purchase order is now being used instead of the subtotal field.

E-Document Conversion

  • A bug causing the vendor lookup to fail because of the error “Unexpected Error: search.lookupFields: Missing a required argument: id” has been fixed. If multiple or no vendors are found then an audit trail will be created instead of getting an unexpected error.

Bundle Installation Script

  • Updated the bundle installation script to copy the value from Company EDI ID (custrecord_sta_einvoicing_payee_edi) to [STA] Endpoint ID (custentity_sta_flowap_endpointid). The (custrecord_sta_einvoicing_payee_edi) will be deprecated from the FlowAP bundle objects.


SuiteApp Bundle Update Instructions / Notes


For questions or concerns, please get in touch with support@staria.com.

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