Travel Expenses/Allowances in the Expense Report

Travel Expenses/Allowances in the Expense Report

This customization has been developed to improve support for Expense Reports in JPK-V7 reporting. The standard NetSuite for expense reports is limited to employees. This customization will facilitate the inclusion of vendors in the expense report lines, enabling the incorporation of input VAT charges into the transactions within the JPK-V7 report generated by the Poland Localization SuiteApp, while also displaying vendor and transaction details in the Purchase Evidences.

Here are the steps to follow in the creation of the Expense Report:

Role: Administrator


  1. Go to Transactions > Employees > Enter Expense Reports.

  2. Use the ‘EG Expense Report (Poland)’ as the Custom Form.

  3. Select the Employee, Register Type, and Business Unit.

  4. Add the Expenses by selecting an Expense Category. Enter the Amount. Select the appropriate Currency, Tax Code, and input any other necessary details needed. On the same line, select the the vendor on the [STA] PL VENDOR NAME field and enter the appropriate document number in the [STA] PL VENDOR INVOICE # field that is related to the expense added.

  1. Set the [STA] TAX OBLIGATION DATE field.

Note: The [STA] VAT EXCHANGE RATE is automatically filled using the rates from the EG Foreign Exchange Rate List, which is determined based on the Tax Obligation Date.

  1. Save the Expense Report.

Expected Results:

Transaction lines tagged with a Tax Code in the Expense Report form as part of the Purchase Evidence search results.
Incorporated in JPK-V7 Position 42-43: Transaction lines with tax codes from the expense report, showing Vendor Names and Vendor Invoice numbers as entered in the record.

Transaction lines added in the expense report are included in the generated JPK-V7 XML file with the Vendor Names and Vendor Invoice numbers.