Analytical Breakdown of All accounts

Analytical Breakdown of All accounts


Basic legal requirements are laid down in the art. 14, 18, 23-24 of Accounting Act. 

Basically, this is an extension of trial balance statement by the elements of Journal entries register, so it is a combination of both statements. The journal is a chronological presentation of events that occurred in a given reporting period of the entity, while Analytical Trial Balance presents the events as a breakdown of the synthetic account on trial balance of the general ledger.  

As it must be possible to reconcile journal register’s turnover with the turnover of the trial balances of general ledger accounts, there is in use a breakdown of every account in trial balance of general ledger into the single lines items of the entry with the same information range as provided for journal statement. 

The breakdown of general ledger account should include at least: 

  • the date of the economic operation; 

  • specification of the type and identification number of the accounting document constituting the basis for the every single line entry and its date, if it differs from the date of the operation; 

  • understandable text, abbreviation or operation description code, however, written explanations of the content of abbreviations or codes should be available; 

  • the amount and date of the entry; 

  • designation of the accounts to which it applies 

  • if there are other elements such as costs center, project, customer account, vendor/supplier account, employee account, etc., it must be also included for the every single line of entry. 


Example should be considered as combination of trial balance of general ledger and journal entries’ register: 

--- Extract for the applicable law --- 

Article 14. on accounting 


  1. The journal shall contain a chronological account of events that occurred during the reporting period.

Regardless of the technique of bookkeeping, the journal should allow reconciliation of its turnover with the turnover of the statement of turnover and balances of the general ledger accounts (trial balance of general ledger).